Message from @☦R U S☦
Discord ID: 516001094724485130
are we doing that now?
reporting snapchats
fucking lol
Pay your fucking taxes kids
How to get a premium snapchat?
I want to be a pornstar too
Lemme show you my dick on snapchat
And get money
but it ain't worth getting yeeted in jail by the IRS
Take your phone and put it into a meat grinder to get snapchat premium
yo wtf
I have a better idea
i wonder if people've reported momokun yet
I'll stick my dick in it instead
They will go for the titty streamers and patreon thots next
😉 🍆 💦 😏
How could you? You have a vagina
"Give me sex or IRS"
titty streamers bout to get btfo'd
I've found another Snapchat Premium Thot. It's @Deleted User
Imagine having a dick growing out of your vag
why yall niggas kick me
U gae
Say peni s
I dare you