צְוִיחַת אַוָז בָּר

Discord ID: 190876233129656320

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I want to fucking kill myself

<:dajoos:276990902520643584> ?


i want to fucking die

sadly I am feeling like shit right now

nothing like that just the fact that i seem to have a rather aggressive flu which really sucks




i got 11 cats so nice try

have any of you guys played risen?

its pretty good imo just the sequels suck ass

what is this?

quick question what is the difference between mods and mods v2.57?

why do those discord storys always end like a bad mafia film?

"one day he shall reawaken to take revenge on those who sought to defy him"

i am always for a good troll but banning is not the thing i would do for trolling

your profile pic is perfect adolf


praise be upon him

i want my name back

its a nickname on this discord and i dont think i can change it

ok i can change it


how can i make my push to talk work?

i go into chat instanly


guacamelee gold edition

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