Message from @Todd
Discord ID: 516024676766580755
>not buying it on DVD
You could probably still find it somewhere...
>not going to Japan to obtain a legal copy
*meme arrows*
@No Get a PFP cunt.
Right i probably should do that
y e s
>not smuggling it
i a m w o r k i n g o n i t
f u c k r i g h t o f f
We are full fuck off @No
Fuck off
You dont gotta @ me every time u text me
Its not like im in 6 discord at the same time
but no one execpt actual pedos will go through the effort
@Gale Pretty sure you'd end up on a list for even attempting to find it though
You have any idea how many people I've kicked today? @No
Just buy it for the meme
or those anime youtubers making le epic reactions to it 4 years ago
anyone know where your steam id is?
Long ago in a distant land a man named i fuck kids got botbanned
Wait a second
@AstroTorch I believe we have a bit evade bitch
ohhh nuuu
I am going to die...
I could not find the member you wanted to kick...