Message from @tinaVey
Discord ID: 277998722699231232
Right, but it would restrict our actions
They kicked me
The mole is here, so be careful
urgh i keep hitting enter on accident
We'd be constrained in ways antifa isn't
>implying we didn't already know that
This place isn't necessarily secure you know
I love my own and family but if organizations like antifa wish to embue terror onto us and our families then they will be hunted down by the law
@JimmyBobs like the law hunted them down in berkeley?
@Cœur de Lion glasses. Goggles. Not something too face obscuring.
I think face covering gives a poor public impression
Masks and uniforms in general are a fucking retarded idea mate
I'll probably cover my face, at least my eyes, 'cause im not fond of mace to the face. Not to mention i don't want some antifa scum to identify me and find out where i live and attack my family. if the event is far enough away from KY or safe enough, i'll ditch the coverings.
IMO, something business casualeslish gives a good, professional presentation
Only thing I can agree with is glasses or something to cover your eyes.
ok no uniforms, just that google docs thing gave the impression of uniform standards
let's wear tuxedos
My take on it is situational
The idea for militaristic or policeish uniforms gives a bad impression which could easily allow the movement to be labeled as a RWDS
The moment we cover our faces is the moment we become just as bad as antifa, but yeah situational is best
jeans + white shirt + red hat
implying rightwing death squads are bad...
is not military
what about MAGA hats?
that's simple and effective
What's to stop antifa if we wear masks to just put on a mask and pretend to be anticom?
No MAGA hats
Is the movement supposed to be political?
we'll just make them angrier
Its anti commie, not pro trump
who cares dude
we aren't afraid of scrawny noodle arm antifa
changing hearts and minds or whatever
it'll gast their flabber