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Just keep letting antifa riot and anticom will become mainstream kek
@Vermineer HERESY
>Hiding your identity
Exactly how we get labeled just as bad as antifa
They can dox you all they want but only way they can ruin your life is by doing something that can ruin your life
>Worrying that antifa will directly attack me
Carry a gun, I always have one or some weapon by my side
Whatever uniform we come up with keep any and all face obscuring and face hiding articles out of it
@Crocodillo I agree, furthermore reason for nothing that hides face. Also have to make a point to ostricize those that incite and cause conflict if they are or pretend to be anticom
The moment we cover our faces is the moment we become a faceless mob which can not be held accountable for our actions
I love my own and family but if organizations like antifa wish to embue terror onto us and our families then they will be hunted down by the law
The moment we cover our faces is the moment we become just as bad as antifa, but yeah situational is best
What's to stop antifa if we wear masks to just put on a mask and pretend to be anticom?
Take a point from Ukrainians and wear a certain color tape around your arms
Arm bands could be swung as Nazi's cause media is "oh so fair" in its coverage so if armbands are a thing we have to keep it simple with no logo's just color
@PlanetGirth- ND In a crowd hats are taken all the time and ID'ing a patch is incredibly difficult
They say Milo a gay jew who likes black cock is a Nazi
Community protection is great but we have to be strong on policing our own even if that means fighting one another. Allowing any action that goes against group sentiment will only besmerch the name
Take a point from groups like the Sons of Odin in Canada, they're a good group but are spinned so heavily that no one joins them
Uniformity to a point is important as well, if we look too similar we get a more militaristic feel compared to a rag tag group of civilians with simple interests
The more civilian we look the better, need to keep the image of citizens that just don't want commies and rabblerousers
@Odalist Refrain It's cool and all but separates us from the public and makes it easy for others to give us a bad image
@Nitrodubz Nope
I'm all for CC but the moment one is used in self defense no matter the reason PR goes down the shitter
The public is naturally going to be against violence and riots, we need to give them an approachable outlet to voice their opinion and practice their beliefs
@Cลur de Lion Sounds decently good but @tinaVey has a good plan too
@Odalist Refrain as a /k/ representative FUCK 5.11 that's the most meme tier special opr8r shit and it's retarded
@Anticom LR#9355 What he said, we aren't hiding beliefs. We need to serve as a pillar for one and only one purpose. Our political affiliations should not make the group but a single integral belief
University of different ideals through a common goal will win us the normies
We're anticom because the commies are becoming violent, peaceful commies should be able to be idiots if they want
We don't have many now but sticking to strict ideals and policing those in our group that break said ideals will help us earn more followers
Being one conclusive group helps rather than just a bunch of random places
I think one for each state is a bit much but one for each country is good
Trusty Yugo M48 Mauser is all I have along with some no name 22.
tbh not that sure, never really cared that buch about the Jacket. Was given to me by a 'Nam vet who was in EOD when he was dating my mom along with the Cap
@Bluesy I'll admit this is the first time I've ever had someone sexualize a pancake
The animated series (new one) was glorious
Now only if Rebels wasn't such shit
The Empire wasn't bad tbh just George Lucas is a cuck who likes to paint it that way
@Odalist Refrain What's your price range?
Well you get what you pay for, so this should help
But yeah you can get a quality SKS for a lower price range compared to AK's
There's that too^
Tbh you get more bang for your buck with AR's especially if you build them
For anyone that hasn't seen it
Texans doing it right
Hoplite shield wall is the only way to properly fight now
Or we could just be vikings
Honestly that's a better setup than a gasmask because getting field of vision like that in a gasmask costs money
I'm not sure how restrictive respirators are for breathing but to my understanding breathing through a gas mask is like breathing through a straw. Seems like physical demands would be too hard for that little bit of oxygen but what do I know
>tfw will never form hoplite wall with friends
@Lord Joe I have satellite so it's hard to talk ;-;
Get to stay in a fancy hotel the day before and free food so that's nice ๐
Weekend soldiers I know but it suits me better, still not sure what I want out of my life but I'm excited
So I get to sit back and laugh at new pilots try to land kek
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