Message from @Eoppa

Discord ID: 674695745206616134

2020-02-03 20:33:41 UTC  

literally only the profile picture

2020-02-03 20:36:11 UTC  

do you have irrational hate for it?

2020-02-03 20:40:09 UTC  


2020-02-03 20:40:16 UTC  

i've tried watching some, just not for me

2020-02-03 20:40:25 UTC  

maybe we should move to <#587015719141507102> if you want to talk

2020-02-03 20:41:36 UTC  

I'd rather not, to be honest. I've never watched Anime.

2020-02-03 20:42:40 UTC  

sure fren your choice

2020-02-05 08:11:07 UTC  

I got a question

2020-02-05 08:11:38 UTC  

Can someone explain to me the entirety of the Atomwaffen Division

2020-02-05 08:12:20 UTC  

( Yes, i know that they're alt-right )

2020-02-05 12:35:28 UTC  

You sound like a federal agent

2020-02-05 14:02:58 UTC  

-reed seej

2020-02-05 14:03:51 UTC  

Is that the sound of you not trusting me

2020-02-05 14:04:25 UTC  

Calm down, it's not like there's CIA agents spying on us lol

2020-02-05 14:05:03 UTC  


2020-02-05 14:08:34 UTC  

Atomwaffen and associated groups have nothing to do with the message of Siege which is to get your shit in order and drop out of the System so it falls apart that much quicker and if you're going to do something, which you shouldn't, you should run and hit, not hit and run, in all things have a plan to get out of dodge, always have a network of people you can rely on if the heat gets put on you for some reason, either by your own doing or by political persecution

2020-02-05 14:09:12 UTC  

09A Satanists are as bad as Jews, the Fascist movement needs another Night of the Long Knives

2020-02-05 15:21:37 UTC  

Is agorism anything similar to siege

2020-02-05 15:32:28 UTC  

Dunno, never heard of it

2020-02-05 18:12:04 UTC  

The fascist movements need to be completely eradicated.

2020-02-05 19:20:00 UTC  

Agorism is counter economics. You trade everything in the black market to deprive the state of revenue.

2020-02-05 19:20:10 UTC  

It's typically advocated by ancaps

2020-02-05 19:30:33 UTC  

@Koninos explain why

2020-02-05 23:39:55 UTC  
2020-02-06 12:13:12 UTC  

@Bruni Because all non-democratic movements are stupid.

2020-02-06 13:22:37 UTC  

@Koninos democracy is a symptom of a large population (middle class)

2020-02-06 13:23:18 UTC  

In smaller groups, there are leaders who arrive where they are by means of merit, guile or strength ( of various types)

2020-02-06 13:23:38 UTC  

Democracy is so open to exploitation, decadence and apathy

2020-02-06 13:23:56 UTC  

But i suppose it is the worst form of government, except for all the OTHER forms of government

2020-02-06 14:05:33 UTC  

Democracy can work without the middle class. All Democracy needs is the people which make up the state, for without the people, the state cannot exist - while the people can exist without the state. However, existing without the state, which would be Anarchy, is a merely stupid concept. Therefore, there's a need for a system where the state exists, but is managed by the ones who make it up - for that is what is just and moral.
On the contrary, in Fascism, Monarchism and other Authoritarian Ideologies, the people are called to put their faith into a ruler, who has almost unlimited control over them, and can very often be unwise and unfit to rule. And here comes the question, who should decide who's fit and unfit to rule? And the answer to this question is, the people. Also, Democracy is the least corrupt form of government. And yet, there's no proof of Democracy being open to expiration or decadence or apathy. @Ater Votum

2020-02-06 14:11:56 UTC  

democracies only work when they are mixed with technocracies and become crypto totalitarian states or when there are no outside or inside problems

2020-02-06 14:13:03 UTC  

the needs of people are quite simple, security both socially and physically, it dosent take a genius to see what must be done to solve societies problems. Hence why the rulers should actually be able to solve the problems of the society

2020-02-06 14:14:40 UTC  

Individual freedom is only attainable and desirable when there are no urgent problems that threaten the nation as a whole. If these threats exist, a society focused on personal freedoms cannot deal with them, and will either fall or become authoritarian

2020-02-06 14:17:55 UTC  

democracy is a stupid ass concept

2020-02-06 14:18:03 UTC  

Truly is.

2020-02-06 14:18:25 UTC  

might as well have students vote for their teachers

2020-02-06 14:18:41 UTC  

Y'know i like voting for presidents but dumbasses like us on the internet shouldn't vote

2020-02-06 14:19:10 UTC  

a voter has his own self interests when voting, and that sounds like a reasonable thing until you look at it in practice

2020-02-06 14:19:31 UTC  

completely polarizes society and nobody give no fucks about each other but their own voter group

2020-02-06 14:20:21 UTC  

old farts will vote for anyone that makes their pensions higher, boomers will vote for anyone that isn't going to endanger their current wealth

2020-02-06 14:20:27 UTC  

1) Democracies always work, unless the Government is corrupt. What many people like to do, is to blame democracy for their country's problems, while they should be blaming the Government(s) they elected.
2) Solving these problems isn't as simple as you would like it to be, nor as simple as you think it is. No ruler in human history has ever been able to solve all problems of the society. Therefore, for these problems to be solved, the society needs a leader who can actually do their job. And here comes the question, who knows if they can do their job correctly? The answer to this question, is the SOCIETY, because it is it which has to deal with social problems. And what is society made up of? The people. Therefore the people should elecr their leaders.
3) Individual Freedom should always be attainable, but could also be restrained when it threatens the nation - but that's under extreme circumstances that we yet haven't witnessed.