Message from @Tea
Discord ID: 530211482349076483
Wholesome gif
Its the best
sweet big bois
Good boys
We need more wholesome stuff more often
that's like me and my perpetually drunk friend from italy
did you say poo
except we don't sniff each other's genitals
Omg those dogs looked so happy
Hi octavia
Anything over 15c is way too hot for me
dont at me
Hi @AllTheFunnyNamesWereTaken, do I know tou?
Fair enough tea
@m@zalfir much being the key word there lol
Tea same here, but I'm stuck with it all the time
@Octavia probably not, just being nice
60 degrees
Dont fucking tell me what to do, back in yer cupboard @Tea
thats winter weather
@sweatercowsandsass SORRY MUM
i play golf in 120 degrees
Well always nice to be nice
15°c is 59°f
@shitzngigz what happens in Melbourne, stays in Melbourne
59°f is barely warm
Anything over 18° is no hood
@zalfir Melbourne can keep it 😂
Fucking pansy’s