Message from @AllTheFunnyNamesWereTaken
Discord ID: 530212723686899747
I did
@Questgiver Sorry it's tranny not trap.
I like 20c if I'm sitting still, 15c if I'm doing stuff
@zalfir good point, but still would prefer not to have to drive on ice 😂
never forgetti
Notable whitey
Also should add Tea with the melt and gimp.
I'd take a dry 32 over a humid 25 easy
Then do it Dino
Tea, overly scottish
I can't think in the heat, I become pretty retarded
@Dino its insults not truths
Dry heat is so much better then humid heat
Heat is gay
Spaghetti is overrated
@zalfir was a CFS volunteer back home, shit sucked some days lol
@Questgiver Mentally ill gay?
Humidity is what makes Summer in Sydney unbearable.
Tea the abominable snow man
It is suffocating
Sleeping in the heat is fucking impossible
@Alphamonkey stay the fuck away from Cambodia then lol
I do like a good heating blanket
Also Octavia for notable soys, yay or nay?
Same for cold. Humid 0 is worse than dry -10 easy
Food lady
@YeetshirtNinja wholesome ish
how silly of me to forget
@shitzngigz good on you, man, when I see you dudes on the news I think of them similarly to how I think of our army dudes
@Octavia I had to get used to that in Ontario, staff accom there was a cabin with one window all summer
Sorry yeetshirt
Australian bushfires are fucked up