Message from @zalfir
Discord ID: 532479740267724821
Yea mate
It's medicinal as well as godly
You go out to the local fast food shop
Tell him you want a large *mixed* snackpack
extra chicken salt, barbeque sauce and garlic sauce
Never heard of snaccpaccs before
Looks good
With a fresh 300ml Fanta
GIve that middle eastern man his $14
Take a pristine white plastic fork
and eat
@Red Pulsating Rod is this a kebab box thing ?
*I cry within my soul whenever I eat this*
@BangDalf Yea
@Red Pulsating Rod niiiiiice
Welp, catch you lot later. Bye.
damn its almost 4am
we're entering that weird quite time when only the Australians, NZers and weirdos are active
@zalfir fuck you
I'm not gay ðŸ˜
@Mollusk yes you are
good morning unemployed UK people
@zalfir "we're entering that weird quiet time when only weirdos are active(Australians, Nzers)"
Fixed your sentence for you
@Red Pulsating Rod Cut your nails btw
Unemployed UK people...
So just Tea then
Tea works all the time. He gets paid for doing nothing all day.
I'm off today.
Where to?
thought i could smell something
I'm off work today.
Rentacop sounds like a sick deal, but you gotta pay to get in first
sup bizzles