Message from @sɪᴅɪsɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴇ

Discord ID: 540800979180978177

2019-02-01 07:16:38 UTC  

@chad What privileges do you think men have, under this definintion?

2019-02-01 07:16:58 UTC  

That men are stronger biologically

2019-02-01 07:17:09 UTC  

That is offset by responsibility like I said

2019-02-01 07:17:13 UTC  

Therefore we out power woman

2019-02-01 07:17:16 UTC  


2019-02-01 07:18:55 UTC  

You can't really think that being biologically stronger is a real privilege with no strings attached

2019-02-01 07:19:18 UTC  

Men and women have nowhere near equal physical responsibilities or expectations

2019-02-01 07:19:21 UTC  

It’s a privilege to fight and die for your country in times of war

2019-02-01 07:19:25 UTC  


2019-02-01 07:19:48 UTC  

Lol u hate america? Fucking commie traitor. Move to Venezuela if you hate America so much

2019-02-01 07:19:53 UTC  

you've been brainwashed if you think that

2019-02-01 07:20:08 UTC  

Let me pull out the old “Smack down a libtard” card by deferring to I V L I V S.

2019-02-01 07:20:11 UTC  

(Just kidding but this is what trump supporters say to me if I don’t agree with their world view)

2019-02-01 07:20:31 UTC  

ok gonna go to sleep gn

2019-02-01 07:20:36 UTC  

It is honorable and can be rewarding for a man to serve militarily, but just as often the man is destroyed

2019-02-01 07:20:38 UTC  


2019-02-01 07:49:18 UTC  

Of course it isn’t

2019-02-01 07:49:27 UTC  

Firstly there never has been a real tax rate over 45%

2019-02-01 07:49:44 UTC  

Secondly if they were to actually@implement the real tax rate around 70% by closing loopholes etc

2019-02-01 07:49:49 UTC  

The economy would take a huge downturn

2019-02-01 07:50:01 UTC  

Thirdly it deters investment anyways

2019-02-01 07:50:37 UTC  

And lastly it will also come with increased spending, since the rich who are taxed 70% will avoid most of the taxation, AOC will need more funds to pay for her shit so she’ll raise taxes on everyone.

2019-02-01 07:50:48 UTC  

So the burden goes back to the poor once again

2019-02-01 11:15:07 UTC  

That rebuttal, among many other problems, claims two contradictory things: that the rich paying their full share would cause a huge economic collapse, and that the rich aren’t ever going to pay their full share.

2019-02-01 11:20:17 UTC  

It's more of if you tax the rich at extreme rates, they will either find a way around the taxes or just leave the country.

2019-02-01 11:20:20 UTC  

you lose either way

2019-02-01 11:20:48 UTC  

should they be taxed more than others? Yes

2019-02-01 11:20:57 UTC  

should they be taxed 70 fucking percent? No

2019-02-01 11:28:04 UTC  

And it’s true that there’s never been an effective tax rate above around 45-40%, but the 70% marginal rate has no intentions of achieving a 70% effective rate either. All it would do is increase the ~15% effective rate paid by most of the top right now to ~35%

2019-02-01 11:28:16 UTC  

I also don’t think that they should be taxed at 70%

2019-02-01 11:28:40 UTC  

I just don’t think it would actually lead to the catastrophe Sid describes

2019-02-01 13:57:39 UTC  

It’s not contradictionary , I’m saying because of the massive amount of loopholes , the rich will not pay more because they will avoid it all. However in the event the loopholes and such are closed, the 70% tax will be effective and would mean the entire group being taxed that high WILL leave the country. This would hurt the economy big time. And according to your Keynesian theory, boosting AD is the main goal, which contradicts itself right here. @Leo (BillNyeLand)

2019-02-01 14:01:02 UTC  

The effective rate is not 15% for starters. The top tax rate in 2012 was 35%, the effective rate payed was 27% by the top 0.1% and 25% by the top 0.01%.

Of course not, AOC and the rest of them truly believe the tax rate was high as 90% and was payed back then, which is why the believe they’ll get 70% of the income from taxing them that high.

2019-02-01 14:04:20 UTC  

It would definitely lead to a collapse, the country would lose big economic agents.

2019-02-01 14:04:29 UTC  

Not to mention a lot of tax revenue lost.

2019-02-01 14:05:28 UTC  

@Kylo Ren
should they be taxed 70 fucking percent? No
should they be taxed more than others? No
should they be taxed atall? No
Should anyone be taxed atall? No

2019-02-01 14:05:43 UTC  

but what if we made them stay?

2019-02-01 14:05:50 UTC  

Taxation is theft, abolish income and corporate tax

2019-02-01 14:05:51 UTC  

Maybe built a wall around the coasts

2019-02-01 14:05:57 UTC  


2019-02-01 14:06:06 UTC  

we have no-fly lists