Discord ID: 136676564522762241
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Are leftists/liberals allowed here?
Or only people who confirm eachother's believes and ideology?
Awesome ๐
I hope I'm not one of the dingbats .-.
Not sure
Whether I support beating people with chain locks? No I do not support that lol
I hope not ๐
I only joined here because the small community I'm apart of is mostly liberal and it gets really boring after a while
When everyone around you thinks exactly like you
There's never any debates and my believes are never challenged which is really boring
Lmao he's going to get sick
He has 12 followers
Yea I know a lot of people who are even farther than alt-right
I don't like being around them, something about them gives me a bad vibe
Hopefully most people here are rational humans lol
Like actual neo-nazis
Have you seen the movie American History X
People like that, the violent neo-nazis
lvl 50 boss
Idk I'm looking forward to the conversations in this chat lol
A lot of people on the right tend view liberals as something they are not and right wing media on the internet tries to portray us as these violent communists when in reality we aren't
Its kind of the same bullshit SJW's do, they find a bunch of racist conservatives and use those people to generalize conservatives as a whole as racists bigots
**enormous** homosexual
Lol i'm sick of centrists
*I have the IQ of a disabled moose so when someone asked me my opinion about politicians my default answer is just "they both suck", that way I dont have to actually think of anything smart to say*
Yea you can't blame them though
If they say anything slightly controversial the media slanders them
There are liberal servers? I couldnโt find any lol
I couldnโt find many conservative servers either most of them were filled with 4chan trolls
All I want is a server where there are actual conservations and where my believes are challenged
Well Iโd fit in Iโm a liberal myself lol
But Iโm not an SJW though so if itโs an SJW server Iโll prob get into a bunch of arguments
LMAO I read what you said
Iโm not sure if they will buy it, mostly about the part where you mentioned your favorite color is red lol
It wasnโt to hard for me since I actually believed everything I was saying
Lol ya
Theyโre taking a long time lol
Theyโre all talking in voice chat
Not sure about what
Wait Noah which channel were you arguing in
Ok I wonโt
Oh wow @Chadwick got accepted
What was the argument about
Oh I see
Why a wall lol
What about a fence would that be ok?
I donโt like how Trump wants a wall, as if thatโs the only option
There are so many other cheaper options that would serve the same purpose as a wall
@Noah Theyโre still takin about you in that discord lol
Not me
EC is useless
Obviously trump supporters are going to like the EC since it lets them win even if they are the minority lol
The point of the EC is to prevent someone who is unqualified from becoming elected obviously that failed considering who won in 2016
That makes 0 sense
Obviously now heโs qualified since heโs the president
Economic illiterate ok lol
Sure I honestly donโt care about the EC I donโt care either way
We do
EC is supposed to vote how their state votes
Trump and his supporters already support a black genocide
So theyโd be fine with that
Lol jk
Pretty broad generalization there lol
You know everything doesnโt have to be to an extreme right
You can still agree that itโs wrong to generalize all Muslims as evil, while still being a realist and understanding that letting in large numbers of people from Muslims areas can cause a lot of problems
Itโs wrong to generalize an entire religion as evil. Obviously there are bad Muslims out there, but acknowledging that there are also good Muslims as well doesnโt automatically make you some Muslim apologist who supports Muslim gang rapes in Europe lol
All Muslims are individuals. Thereโs Muslims who are radical and want to destroy the West, but thereโs also Muslims serving in our military right now putting their lives on the line to defend this country
My liberal mom does the same thing to me. Sheโll make an outrageous claim about Trump or Trump supporters and Iโll simply correct her and sheโll think Iโm actually a Trump supporter. The dude above made an outrageous claim about all Muslims which obviously isnโt correct, but when I disagree people assume Iโm some SJW Muslim apologist.... Not talking about you @Strider just in general people tend to do that on both the left and right.
But I do understand how Islam isnโt some great peaceful religion and I understand how in a lot of Muslim majority countries their society is backwards
Yes not you just the guy above who made it seem like if I didnโt agree that all Muslims are evil that I somehow support mass migration lol
Iโm more on the left but Iโm a realist when it comes to Islam
Either is fine lol they mean the same thing
Yes they are immigrants who came illegally, making them illegal immigrants lol
Personally I donโt like calling them aliens since that dehumanizes them but I donโt really care if others call them that
In an ideal world it isnโt, but you then get people like the guy in <#418657008409903105> who implies that we should just shot people who try to come in illegally, itโs impossible to advocate for that unless you are either a sociopath or if you have completely dehumanized illegal immigrants to the point where their life has no value
Maybe he was just joking, I hope so at least
Is your name a joke or serious xD
What does it mean
Is it just about stopping gay pride or about stopping gay people in general?
Oh lol
Lol I should go through a college campus with a shirt that says that
Iโd get murdered
I donโt mind gay people imo Iโm kind of libertarian on the issue I donโt really judge people based on sexual orientation
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