Message from @Jerm
Discord ID: 478648372194967573
@Tom_Servo something we agree on
to drift once more... please indulge me
why do you think reps and dems end up landing in the same place on unrelated social issues?
ie... death penalty, abortion, guns, immigration, marijuana
surely some people who support immigration reform think there should be more gun control and legal marijuana
are we all so neatly configured to fit in these boxes - or are we just so easily taken in by properganda
Because FREEDOM....
I said earlier that I dont fit in a box and I hate it when someone says I fall on a particular part of the political line.. I just want to be in my box, my own unique box, I dont care how many boxes surround me... and thats why ultimately, government in general is a bad thing, governments should be small and allow the private market to sort out social and economic issues....
While governments will survive if they dont effect change, private markets lively hood is affected if they dont take responsibility... the private market always has the bigger risk therefor ensuring the survival of it through innovation
My last comment for the day...
I am not an anti-trumper, I dont have this madness the media has about him.
But on balance, I dont personally think he is going to be good for the US. (I also dont think he is wrong about everything). Economy may do well for a bit, but ultimately the more isolationist they become the more they will struggle. And the social schism he is exploiting and widening, could result a real stuff up for them (they could end up like SA in the social cohesion stakes).
later folks Video from Styxhexenhammer666
No Farmer is going to willingly give their land away, they will destroy their properties before handing it over
Some speculation that it's not about the land but about what might be underneath
I saw that as well, there as always a deeper agenda
Forgot who tweeted, they implied it might benefit cyril's brother on law
Regardless, it is going to benefit people other than the farmers... and then these thieves get it for free
Yes exactly
Clowns can not be aggressive.
Please feel free to share.
This cartoon comes thanks to my brilliant patrons.
I love it when black Trump fans tell white anti-Trump folks to piss off. 😂
It is rather satisfying
Love it
One of the farms on the list has mineral deposits, which the government has been wanting for years. Of course, it's a fake list. The ANC said so.
"Land is for the people","We have a list of farms", "That list is fake, we dont have a list"
@Jerm You and Lionel seem to have the same reasons to like Trump, worth a watch:
You guys should watch this podcast if your interested in economics and want to know how to protect your wealth
Yes! Enjoyed this one! Big fan of Peter Schiff but he seems to have a lot of haters
For anyone interested, Willem and Ernst live chat shortly
so i just found out a few things from friends family, they are all farmers and some of these farmers names are on that list that roets apparently the list makes no sense, the farmers names do not match with the farm names..... maybe the list is "encrypted"
another thing....
EFF has land grabed two farms in the Limpopo, they pitched up with taxis and told the farmers that the need to be vacated in 1.5 hours or media covered this???
Any proof of that @Robzombie ? Did people take photos or something? It's worth sharing on social media