Message from @theeChristopher
Discord ID: 471485904402251779
ja hulle nodig goeie bloed
hoor gou hier, met die chat
gaan ons dae he waar ons gaan praat oor onderwerpe?
of gaan die chats random wees?
ja maak sin
okay cheers julle
@Arm what's your channel URL?
nie as die persoon saam jou werk nie
almal moet erens begin
ja templates would be the best
if you are a one man band
Oh i am talking about
If someone is willing to help you for a good cause he won't mind doing it for free
unfortuantely my hands too full
and the templates would be ideal for you
to get started
years back I did video editing
family vlog
they have a pantie vending machine
Willem ons kan jou nie hoor nie
@Malcolm the Seceder when I hear Scotland I think about this:
Do you know of this Declaration?
I do indeed. There was a church conference on it recently actually
They wanted the war because they wanted all the minerals
de beers
look into it
Founder: Cecil Rhodes
@Malcolm the Seceder it was the National PArty itself
that took him out
@AfrikanerKnight can you increase your microphone volume
it's a little on the soft side
Much better
@TruthCanary FW de klerk sits around the same table
with the ANC