Message from @Deejay from Earth
Discord ID: 471222050120400907
This argument was a lost cause form the getgo, and I was the fool for even parttaking in it
This has nothing to do with my beliefs, this has to do with your attitude. Make a proper argument if you disagree with him, or just ignore him. It's not that hard to grasp.
Well I have, and clearly he's not "up for enlightenment"
The groups name is info-wars, information is defined as the facts provided, and war is defined as a state of competition or hostility between different people or groups. Nobody has ever won a war armed with insults.. Information wins the war. If you aren't interested in conducting strategic warfare with facts and just hurl repetitive insults, you are pretty much a snowflake. All I'm trying to convey to you is this, if he is your enemy, then compete with him on the same terms. If he puts his facts forward, then you counter his facts with your facts. If you don't, then he inevitably wins the battle. Treat all engagements like this going forward, and pick your battles wisely, and commit to it.
not like I did but whatever, done with it
@Sheamus That's the thing , they literally don't have any empirical / scientific data. They have no repeatable experiments. They have no proof of any of their theories. They don't even have observational evidence. On top of that, they don't even have the evidence of their own senses. We as human beings do not experience or observe the alleged axial rotation, same goes for curvature as per eight inches multiplied by the distance in miles squared. Conclusion: Because we do not experience this motion naturally, the burden of proof is on the globe community to prove their model. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. All you need to to is open your eyes and your mind. People look, but they don't see.
And if you guys are not sure what you're looking for here... the point is not if the line of the horizon looks like it may or may not have a bit of curvature to it. The problem is why and how can the line of the horizon be in the middle of the picture when you are one hundred and fourteen thousand feet ABOVE the spinning ball? The line of the horizon is ALWAYS in the middle of the picture - regardless if you are at ten feet altitude or one hundred thousand feet. This phenomenon is only possible on an extended flat plane.
Just a question, you must be as "narrow" minded as the video footage on the high altitude Balloon... If that 120 degree angle still give you a flat image, imagine how big the earth is... Because if you would have taken the beloon away even more, you also could have seen the earth is round(sphere)... But now you will say that when the baloon was sent up, it was the centre of the earth.... It must have taken you a long time to convince yourself to believe the earth is flat....
And how big is the "flat" earth...
Where your ballon taken further away so that you could se complete edge of the flat earth?...
If not I must probably start telling people the earth is square?
The flat earth is an extended flat plane - it may be infinite but we don't know. And if earth is so big that you can't see the curvature, how can you see ships disappear "over the curvature"?
Beacause of weather conditions
It's called an AirPLANE for a very good reason. Because it flies in the air over a plane...
Flat earth is a psy op to discredit the "truth movement" as to hide legitimate conspiracies.
There's supposed to be so much curvature that no pilot would ever gave to climb up to gain altitude. All you need is to take-off , level out immediately and wait for the ground to drop away from underneath the aircraft. Referencing the above chart, you can see that the amount of curvature drop-off over five hundred miles is 31.7 miles. To put that into perspective - airliners cruise at around six to seven miles altitude. So for a one hour flight at five hundred miles an hour, with 167378 feet of expected curvature drop-off, the ground under the aircraft would be dropping away at a staggering 2789 feet per minute. To put that into perspective for you, a Boeing 737 has climb rate of around 1800 feet per minute. The earth is a lot smaller than what you have been taught.
With "drop-off" you're still experiencing gravity - orbital forces - so you stay relative to earth
You are welcome to use "Gravity" in your arguments, but you need to prove it first. Flat Earth is not about theorizing or speculation.
OK, but one question - why does the spherical earth theory explain all observable phenomena (like sun/moon/star movement patterns)?
But there is no workable flat-earth model
@Newscat ZA You only assume it does, the Heliocentric model does not, can not and will not ever be able to describe even the length of day or the occurrence of seasons. Quoting heaven and Earth by Gabrielle Henriette:
The earth is tilted lol
A sphere is a sphere, you can tilt it any way you like, the line of shadow will not change.
um lol
Do you even know how it works?
The sun is approximately one hundred and nine times wider than the earth, therefore by all mathematical and scientific properties of a sphere, exactly fifty percent of the Earth's surface must always be illuminated. Do an experiment, you'll see. The earth also (allegedly) has a uniform motion of rotation (it doesn't slow down or speed up - it's a constant speed). If the earth was a spinning ball as per the Heliocentric model, the sun would rise at 6am and set at 6pm for all countries around the world, year round. Also, if the earth rotated around the sun, day and night would swap around every six months. Get your head around that one. The ball model simply does not work, not logically or scientifically.
50% always illuminated = yes it is ...
6 to 6 all coutries = no the earth is tilted
Have you built a little model to test it?
have a look
One axial rotation every 24 hours - with 50% of the surface area in the sunlight.... makes twelve hour days and twelve hour nights year round for all countries on earth. How do you explain seasonal changes when earth has a constant motion of rotation?
"all countries" - no man, the ocean gets a lot of sun
Also how did you measure the alleged tilt of the earth?
go build a model then we talk again
Off course - all knowledge is fundamentally theoretical