Message from @Sheamus
Discord ID: 471096610269691906
Gr1m the good goy
Race is just a conspiracy made up by racists into believing in multiple races
@Rendier maybe has too much soy in his diet
Morning ya'll. The sun disappears into the horizon as it moves further away from the observer, it doesn't actually set under the line of the horizon. Gif coming up.
Notice how the sun get smaller as it moves away, you can also pick up the circular motion of the sun.
Article | Published: 03 January 2018
Alcohol and endogenous aldehydes damage chromosomes and mutate stem cells
Juan I. Garaycoechea, Gerry P. Crossan, Frédéric Langevin, Lee Mulderrig, Sandra Louzada, Fentang Yang, Guillaume Guilbaud, Naomi Park, Sophie Roerink, Serena Nik-Zainal, Michael R. Stratton & Ketan J. Patel
Nature volume 553, pages 171–177 (11 January 2018) | Download Citation
Haematopoietic stem cells renew blood. Accumulation of DNA damage in these cells promotes their decline, while misrepair of this damage initiates malignancies. Here we describe the features and mutational landscape of DNA damage caused by acetaldehyde, an endogenous and alcohol-derived metabolite. This damage results in DNA double-stranded breaks that, despite stimulating recombination repair, also cause chromosome rearrangements... (continued at link).
@Arm Yup agreed I'm 100% onboard with that one.
Of couse you are.
So what did you brush your teeth with this morning?
Waaaaaaaahahaha love that Auto-tilt camera. And how the fcuk did they retrieve the footage? 😂 😂 😂
flat earthers were dropped as children: a consipiracy
Ok, you're on the floor
What do you see?
You see mainly a flat surface? Why is that? Your perspective relative to your distance to the ground is identical to the ground's perspective. So you're on the floor, it's impossible to see a curve anywhere, because you aren't high enough to see any form of curve. Now, imagine this in a child, still developing and maturing, especially less than 2 years old. they get dropped, they sustain possibly fatal injuries. But, the brain is on almost a 1ms delay on taking any form of stimulus. So, in that 1ms, they open their eyes after falling, seeing that flat surface. It becoms comforting, becomes their perspective
So, with that, if you are dropped constantly, you become more and more aware of your perspective from such a low relative height. And what do you constantly see? A flat surface
Bam, confirmed: flat earthers were dropped as children
@4rvp Could you actually try not be a broken record and post the same guess work over and over, he at least provides a variety of content to make his argument, and let's be honest, your intention is clearly to insult him, because if there was any data to support your theory, you would be posting it. If you want to prove him wrong, then prove him wrong by all means with counter arguments, with actual counter arguments to his claims, and then the two of you can engage critically so that the community can read and judge for themselves. All you achieve with this insult is really letting everyone know that you resort to insults to make your point, and i highly doubt you will find very many people that would be interested to engage with someone that's just going insult them simply when there is disagreement, and write crap like this without actually providing a proper counter argument to whatever claims. All you literally do, is give him the benefit, while you end up with the doubt.
Be fruitful, and progressive with your engagements, don't be a degenerate.
@Sheamus If you actually believe him, you're turning my diction to that of some commie of "us against them".
"variety of content", yea it's content, not evidence. He doesn't want to accept a non-flat earth, that's fine, just don't claim to be of higher order if you do.
I'm done here, regardless of what I say, this biblethumper is just going to present "muh horizon" or "muh auto CAD"
If I were to present the idea of how it's impossible for the sun to be sort of "hovering aorund the earth in a fixed orbit" due to the light being basically nonexistent in the night, he'll say it's some dumbass mystcal shadow produced by god's asscheeks or something
This argument was a lost cause form the getgo, and I was the fool for even parttaking in it
This has nothing to do with my beliefs, this has to do with your attitude. Make a proper argument if you disagree with him, or just ignore him. It's not that hard to grasp.
Well I have, and clearly he's not "up for enlightenment"
The groups name is info-wars, information is defined as the facts provided, and war is defined as a state of competition or hostility between different people or groups. Nobody has ever won a war armed with insults.. Information wins the war. If you aren't interested in conducting strategic warfare with facts and just hurl repetitive insults, you are pretty much a snowflake. All I'm trying to convey to you is this, if he is your enemy, then compete with him on the same terms. If he puts his facts forward, then you counter his facts with your facts. If you don't, then he inevitably wins the battle. Treat all engagements like this going forward, and pick your battles wisely, and commit to it.
not like I did but whatever, done with it
@Sheamus That's the thing , they literally don't have any empirical / scientific data. They have no repeatable experiments. They have no proof of any of their theories. They don't even have observational evidence. On top of that, they don't even have the evidence of their own senses. We as human beings do not experience or observe the alleged axial rotation, same goes for curvature as per eight inches multiplied by the distance in miles squared. Conclusion: Because we do not experience this motion naturally, the burden of proof is on the globe community to prove their model. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. All you need to to is open your eyes and your mind. People look, but they don't see.
And if you guys are not sure what you're looking for here... the point is not if the line of the horizon looks like it may or may not have a bit of curvature to it. The problem is why and how can the line of the horizon be in the middle of the picture when you are one hundred and fourteen thousand feet ABOVE the spinning ball? The line of the horizon is ALWAYS in the middle of the picture - regardless if you are at ten feet altitude or one hundred thousand feet. This phenomenon is only possible on an extended flat plane.
Just a question, you must be as "narrow" minded as the video footage on the high altitude Balloon... If that 120 degree angle still give you a flat image, imagine how big the earth is... Because if you would have taken the beloon away even more, you also could have seen the earth is round(sphere)... But now you will say that when the baloon was sent up, it was the centre of the earth.... It must have taken you a long time to convince yourself to believe the earth is flat....
And how big is the "flat" earth...
Where your ballon taken further away so that you could se complete edge of the flat earth?...
If not I must probably start telling people the earth is square?
The flat earth is an extended flat plane - it may be infinite but we don't know. And if earth is so big that you can't see the curvature, how can you see ships disappear "over the curvature"?