Message from @Sheamus

Discord ID: 472443086845509642

2018-07-26 16:49:21 UTC  

All flatties out there, how do you explain eclipses ☝

2018-07-26 17:31:39 UTC  

Picture taken a few minutes ago. Nikon P900. Open fullscreen and zoom. I'll be filming the eclipse tomorrow and saturday.

2018-07-26 17:32:34 UTC  

Cool photo!!!! @Deejay from Earth

2018-07-26 17:36:25 UTC  


2018-07-26 17:41:42 UTC  


2018-07-27 05:30:28 UTC

2018-07-27 05:37:02 UTC

2018-07-27 15:23:14 UTC  

Ironic, people are programmed to believe that they are being programmed.

2018-07-27 15:49:09 UTC  

Sooooooo, what do you guys think about CERN?

2018-07-27 15:49:14 UTC  

and the LHC

2018-07-27 16:26:40 UTC  

The portal that the reptilians are building for their overlord to emerge from?

2018-07-27 16:35:51 UTC  

@Luister (AM) ja ek het sy hele gesprek gesien, en dit is eintlik ongelooflik hoe die dinge wat hy daai tyd al gesê het waar geword het.

2018-07-27 16:36:40 UTC  

Hier is die volle gesprek

2018-07-27 16:40:09 UTC  

Natuurlik, hy mos gesê hy was 'n propagandist wat die toneel uitgespeel het soos hy dit vertel het, so hy weet presies hoe uit gespeel word. Dit is 'n moet sien vir almal, net 'n jammerte dat dit vergeet word by die skole.

2018-07-27 16:46:22 UTC  

Ja ek stem, almal moet dit sien. Dit sal mense se oë oopmaak

2018-07-27 16:47:14 UTC  

Stefan Molynox het ook 'n interessante onderhoud gehad met 'n vrou wat hierdie kommunistiese indringing in Amerika nagevors het

2018-07-27 16:47:19 UTC  

baie goeie video

2018-07-27 16:47:34 UTC  

Ja het dit ook gesien. Baie goed

2018-07-27 16:47:57 UTC  

Ek hou daarvan hoe Bezmenov die linkses beskryf: Useful Idiots

2018-07-27 16:48:04 UTC  

so waar

2018-07-27 16:49:38 UTC  

die ergste is as mens probeer om vriende en familie wakker te maak - maar hulle kyk net CNN BBC Wash Post Huff post etc

2018-07-27 16:49:47 UTC  


2018-07-27 16:58:46 UTC  

Jis maar eintlik erg as daaran dink. Daar was 'n tyd wat almal geweet het hoe gevaarlik die gemors is, en vandag vat dit oor... Maak my wonder hoe ons hier op geëindig het.

2018-07-27 17:01:21 UTC  

Wel die wereld het baie gekompliseerd geword en dinge verander so vinnig - kyk nou kan mens so baie inligting kry deur die internet, dis eintlik 'n goeie tyd nou

2018-07-27 17:01:52 UTC  

miskien vroeer kon mense nie regtig aandag gee aan goed nie - 20/20 hindsight, dis maklik om nou te judge met al die inligting wat so maklik besikbaar is

2018-07-27 17:02:13 UTC  

@Sheamus dis baie hartseer, want ons pa's en oupas het teen die kommuniste geveg, en het geveg om hierdie giftige ideologie uit ons land te hou. En kyk waar sit ons vandag... Dis amper asof dit alles verniet was....

2018-07-27 17:04:01 UTC  

@TruthCanary dis eintlik snaaks hoe mense gedink het toe die Berlin Wall val dat kommunisme verby is - so naif lol

2018-07-27 17:07:27 UTC  

Kommunisme floreer nou soos nooit tevore

2018-07-27 17:16:29 UTC  

Kommunisme is die duiwel, sal nooit verby wees nie nes Christenskap nooit verby sal wees nie. Kan nie die waarheid stop nie, maar kan ook nie leuns stop nie.

2018-07-27 17:22:31 UTC  

Kyk van 2:21

2018-07-27 18:42:07 UTC  

If you have a decent powered set of binoculars, one can clearly see the curvature in the earth's shadow on the moon tonight.

2018-07-28 05:50:42 UTC  

@$P!KY\/!k!NG All this while assuming the axial rotation of the earth which has never and will never be proven. 😉

2018-07-28 05:52:26 UTC  

Rāhu (Sanskrit: राहु)() is one of the nine major astronomical bodies (navagraha) in Indian texts. Unlike the other eight, Rāhu is not a real astronomical body but a shadow entity, one that causes eclipses and is the king of meteors.[1] Rahu represents the ascend of the moon in its precessional orbit around the earth.
Rāhu is usually paired with Ketu. The time of day considered to be under the influence of Rāhu is called Rāhu kāla and is considered inauspicious.[2]
As per Vedic astrology Rahu and Ketu have an orbital cycle of 18 years and are always 180 degrees from each other orbitally (as well as in the birth charts). This coincides with the precessional orbit of moon or the ~18 year rotational cycle of the lunar ascending and descending nodes on the earth’s ecliptic plane. This also corresponds to a saros, a period of approximately 223 synodic months (approximately 6585.3211 days, or 18 years, 11 days, 8 hours), that can be used to predict eclipses of the Sun and Moon.
Astronomically, Rahu and Ketu denote the points of intersection of the paths of the Sun and the Moon as they move on the celestial sphere. Therefore, Rahu and Ketu are respectively called the north and the south lunar nodes. The fact that eclipses occur when the Sun and the Moon are at one of these points gives rise to the understanding of swallowing of the Sun and the Moon by the snake. (wiki)