Message from @Conscious Caracal
Discord ID: 477147508758413324
I wonder if @Willem Petzer get tought this doctrine in his theology course.
I would have thought so. If they're using a good systematic theology it should be there
Some reformed theologians seems not to be a fan of this doctrine.
I enjoyed Carl Truemans podcast on this.
That's brilliant! Where'd you find it?
Oh yeah I see where 🤣
Here are some recordings of Unaccompanied Psalm Singing. This is the old way of singing in the Scottish Presbyterian Churches. Unfortunately it has become very rare and even many congregations which still do it have adopted modern translations of the Psalms. In my church we still use the 1650 Metrical Psalms which were approved by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.
We believe the Biblical rule of worship, amongst other things, requires the exclusive singing of the Psalms without musical accompaniment. Nowadays you'll tend to only find this form of worship in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, but some congregations in the Lowlands still do it. It once was the norm in all Protestant churches.
The first video is an example of Gaelic Psalm Singing. The precentor "puts out the line" which means he songs the line of the Psalm himself and then the line is repeated with the whole congregation joining in. Below that are some English singings (which is the vast majority of Psalm singing now, including my own congregation). English singing is a bit more "polished" sounding than in Gaelic (depending on the congregation!) but still very nice. And of course Biblical.
I like this version more
What is everyone's favourite Christian book? (Other than the Bible!) Few suggestions allowed
Actually for a secular philosopher this is a pretty good explanation of God. Of course the church has formulated a very careful description of God in her Catechisms, but better to be lost for words than to speak nonsense (which admittedly he has done on this subject in other places) @Daniel van Straaten @Conscious Caracal
yes goy, let (((Jordan peterstein))) explain God to you since you know its not like he is an Atheist or anything
Just watch the 1 min video, @Nogals <:IQ:468409414592757780>
just watched it now, he didn't say anything
@Nogals I'm happy with the Westminster Assembly's definition of God. I was merely making a point about secular philosophers thank you very much.
12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.
13 I give thee charge in the sight of God, who quickeneth all things, and before Christ Jesus, who before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession;
14 That thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ:
15 Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords;
16 Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.
God is nie in die kant van die arme of onderdruktes nie, net soos Hy nie aan die kant van swart, wit of ryk mense is nie - Hy is aan die kant van Sy kinders wie uit verskellende groepe geroep is om sy kerk te vorm deur al die eeue.
Dit lyk of die Belhar belydenis kulturele marxisties propaganda is wat die kerk baie skade aan gedoen het.
God is not in the side of the poor or oppressed, just as He is not on the side of black, white or rich people - He is on the side of His children who are called from different groups to form His church through the centuries.
It seems the Belhar confession is cultural marxist propaganda that has done much harm to the church.
What are you reading these days Daniel?
Half way through Boettner Predestination which is excellent.
I'm reading a book of sermons of one of our ministers that has been published. Also reading a book on the history of American Fundamentalism in the 20th century
Did Hugh Cartwright wrote books? Which book about Fundamentalism is that? Do the FP people have a problem with alcohol?
There is a book of his sermons that has been released. This is a different book
Fundamentalism book: Revive Us Again
FP Church isn't teetotal but is opposed to pubs/off-licenses. So we wouldn't go to a pub/bar and supported temperance laws in the past. Some of our people including myself would also be teetotal but most would imbibe very moderately at things like weddings
A very thorough treatment of a hugely influential theologian in South Africa and the world