Message from @Medeaz
Discord ID: 425786572747702273
So Sad
Pretty hard core, man
Posting as much as I can on south africa. Even have profiles as blacks just to wake up other blacks because they are soo damn blind !!! To the kikes
<@417560823607853056>, Welcome to South African Genocide Project I hope you enjoy your stay.
@jjschagundi, Welcome to South African Genocide Project I hope you enjoy your stay.
Another murder today people
Please retweet
@James G., Welcome to South African Genocide Project I hope you enjoy your stay.
Lol, that's a chilling welcome XD. Makes it look like I joined the wrong side
Hello @everyone . Kekistani Intel and Lauren Southern brought me here.
@echoeternum427, Welcome to South African Genocide Project I hope you enjoy your stay.
Jesus, I know what you mean, bot, but that phrasing is brutal
@TibblesAnon, Welcome to South African Genocide Project I hope you enjoy your stay.
Congratulations, @Willem Petzer you are now at level 5
Brilliant tweet
How does one get verified as a South African. Also Renier - do you have a bank acc that I can do a direct deposit. as I don't use Paypal - because of their connections to NWO.
Well @TibblesAnon we just ask if you're South African and we just trust that you'll tell us the truth.
We really need to consider a rebranding. The South African Genocide Project sounds bad. Like, really bad.
Yeah the name could be misleading
Ah @Medeaz I'm brand new to discord. I follow Dr Jerome Corsi's history lessons and analysis of Q Posts on his youtube and now gab. I live in Bloubergrand, Cape Town. Born and bred on a farm between Greylingstad & Balfour, Old Transvaal. My dad's side are Afrikaners - Van Eedens. My uncle (dad's brohter) was murdered on his farm.
Sorry for your loss @TibblesAnon
@James G. Thank you. What is happening in our country is beyond words.
There you go verified now
Anyone here got a better name for the discord because it is a bit misleading
For what it's worth, with Lauren Southern (Maker of the FARMLANDS documentary, worth looking at) being hosted by Nigel Farage and co. recently she may use this opportunity to do a signal boost. Farage has a huge following. But we'll have to see.
As for names, how about "South African Genocide Awareness" which has a neat acronym as SAGA
"a long story of heroic achievement, especially a medieval prose narrative in Old Norse or Old Icelandic." is the original definition of Saga. Definitley the first part
Awareness does sound better than project in this case lol
Yip. Project sounds like we are all aboard to commit genocide...
Don't want another excuse for the Left to portray us as the Fourth Reich 😛
Lol I've changed it and I've changed this chat to be just the general chat
I'm way past my bedtime. Does one just close the discord screen - I can't find a 'logout' option. Please help this newbie. Thanks.
Congratulations, @TibblesAnon you are now at level 1