Message from @Mee6
Discord ID: 428665713041866764
If someone <@&424495656108032019> can join then that might convince her?
She seems to read a lot of msm bullshit. So she could be brainwashed to the point of no return to reality.
possibly, but I live in the UK where the schools brainwash you from 5 onwards and here I am lmao
I'll get the kik going and I'll try to get her and her friend on board of what's going on in South Africa. I've already showed her a bunch of articles, though. Anyone who wants to join in(kik: jeffx300) and I'll invite you to the group chat.
I would join but I don't have a kik and I'm too lazy to make one at midnight, but send them some of the things that people post here a lot of it is fresh content
I will. Take care.
Okay now i'm new to this. I'm a Canadian: how can i help white south africans?
Congratulations, @St. Frexit you are now at level 1
those white guilt Australians don't understand the struggle for the whites in South Africa right now.
<@382979125620768768>, Welcome to South African Genocide Awareness I hope you enjoy your stay.
We made the Czech news!
Congratulations, @Willem Petzer you are now at level 6
Hi all
<@215682459545632768>, Welcome to South African Genocide Awareness I hope you enjoy your stay.
the replies under that tweet smh. these are not the equal but different people that hollywood movies depict them as
Congratulations, @Tazer Swift you are now at level 1
Those replies smh
anyone heard anything about what he's talking about or is it unsubstantiated rumour?
@deavmi, Welcome to South African Genocide Awareness I hope you enjoy your stay.
Ey all
I don't wanna die
i dont want u to die either 😦
no one does
Congratulations, @Deleted User ce64315c you are now at level 1
This is my first ever video, just some playing around on Premier plus... What do you think?
nice video Willie