Message from @northern_confederate

Discord ID: 321725752632541197

2017-05-29 17:13:39 UTC  

Yeah birth control is a scam.

2017-05-30 21:07:25 UTC  

Please Favorite and like, a lot of work has gone into this project.

2017-06-03 00:48:24 UTC  

Neat article

2017-06-04 06:33:19 UTC  
2017-06-05 15:19:35 UTC  

@here June 8th is the 50th anniversary of the cold blooded Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, killing 34 American Servicemen and leaving 171 wounded. WE MUST PUSH to FORCE our Government to recognize the American deaths at the hands of Israel and create a memorial for those men who lost their lives in the ruthless and continued attack.

Start it with #USSLiberty as a social media campaign. This needs to take off and it needs to be seen.

2017-06-05 15:21:55 UTC  

dude they already did, there's a monument in Israel saying how sad they are about it

2017-06-05 15:22:29 UTC  

it's a good meme though but it's not a very serious gripe

2017-06-05 15:32:20 UTC  

In the US

2017-06-05 15:32:47 UTC  

This shit is more important than you think

2017-06-05 17:19:00 UTC  

Lot of shitlibs in there

2017-06-05 17:51:42 UTC  

😂 👌

2017-06-06 18:32:41 UTC  

Ok, I have a buddy about to take the Trump Pill. NEETS only: does anyone have a link to an alt Right primer for why we need a southern wall? Preferably something with well-sourced hate facts a plenty. Thx in advance!

2017-06-06 19:03:16 UTC  

If he's a neet hit him with some Molymeme vids they're well sourced

2017-06-06 19:08:08 UTC  

He is a very low profile banker who is rapidly rising in the world.

2017-06-06 19:10:00 UTC  

Moly probably wouldn't work. Also, I'm looking for something specific, not like "check out dude it's got tons of great stuff!!!" That's why I'd like to outsource it to the NEET army bc I have a job etc.

2017-06-06 19:12:59 UTC  

Molymeme 100p

2017-06-06 19:17:31 UTC  

i'd go for something that would lead him to discover the Alt Right by himself

2017-06-06 19:17:45 UTC  

i feel like introducing someone off the bat to TRS would be a misstep

2017-06-06 19:38:15 UTC
big effortpost series on alt-right political strategy

2017-06-06 19:57:50 UTC  

@Vendetta Vidame agree 90%.

2017-06-06 19:58:06 UTC  

whats the last 10?

2017-06-06 19:58:38 UTC  

Pax dindu Nuffin he's a good organizer

2017-06-06 19:59:50 UTC  

I should add that the Tea Party organizations are all ripe for takeover and can't possibly be any less effective than they are now. Great opp. to get boomers on board with lighter versions of the Cause.

2017-06-06 20:00:37 UTC  

are you positive your acquaintance isn't jewish jw for suggestions

2017-06-06 20:03:03 UTC  

@northern_confederate it's a pernicious stereotype that all bankers are Jews. My friend is a bindi.

@vendetta There are dozens of Tea Party Orgs in VA alone.

2017-06-06 20:04:35 UTC  

I wouldn't even know how to begin to appeal to a bindi other than basketball and mass produced rap music sorry I'll bow out now. I recommend you find him a Hindu nationalist blog that supports him making his money and taking it back home to help his own people

2017-06-06 20:06:21 UTC  

Anything run by boomers is ripe for infiltration and takeover

2017-06-06 20:12:52 UTC  

@Vendetta Vidame yes, and to be frank it will be us or kikeservatives who smell $$ when the proprietors of these orgs become incapacitated (v. soon).

2017-06-06 20:13:59 UTC  

Imagine 100 midwestern Ben Shapiros showing up one day to Tea Party meetings talking about achievement gaps and " the Constitution" (lol).

2017-06-06 20:14:17 UTC  

That is the next five years if we do nothing.

2017-06-06 20:15:34 UTC  

my nightmare

2017-06-06 22:13:54 UTC  

The prophesy of the monk Hilarion from the 15th century:
“The people of the peninsula of Europe will suffer by needless wars until the Holy Man comes. The Lion will come from a high mountain in the enlightened nation. Then will the people of the half-moon of the tribe of Agar overrun many nations towards midnight and commit many atrocities. They will stay three years destroying everything. Yet, in the third year, will one of the unconquerable Eagles who reigns over the enlightened nation between the Rhine and the North sea, with a great army meet them by the mouth of the River Rhine and, in a fearful battle, almost entirely annihilate them.”

2017-06-07 03:21:15 UTC  

I had a conversation at work with an insufferable woman. She just got back from a mission trip to Haiti.

She is obviously not very self-aware, because she was totally honest about how she only went to feel sanctimonious. She said "To be honest, I do it more for myself than anything. It makes me feel really great. Most people tell me I'm crazy for doing that instead of taking a vacation, but it makes me feel like I did something good."

I asked her where they stayed. She told me they stayed in a compound with armed guards, and were escorted by armed guards everywhere they went because, "I dunno, I guess because we aren't from there, they just assume we have money or something."

She didn't have anything to say about any actual work she did there. The conversation got derailed before I could ask what she knows about the revolution there.

The whole thing was just profoundly selfish and stupid.