Message from @Rusty Sandusky
Discord ID: 286132679630651392
I can hear you
I had read that Sodom happened to be built upon a giant natural gas deposit...need to look up the source, but one candidate for the real Sodom not only had those immense subsurface reasources, but from archeological exchivation turned out to be a pretty dry, boring bureaucratic town, akin to The Hague
Where's me farken durries? I wouldn't trust ya as far as I could throw ya. I grew here, you flew here. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!. Oi you see that sheilah on Home and Away last night? Yeah she's alright ey. I saw your mum sucking a dead dog's donger the other day. It's true. Oi mate, one hundred percent, truly ruly, you are a total faggot. Oi, you are a fucking faggot though. You're madder than a cut snake. Oi, you hear that new Jack Johnson track? Fucking so sick, bro. So sick. I bet your mum didn't even let you watch Cheez TV before school. Yeah grouse mate. Haha, what the fuck did you just say to me, you little poof?
Get out of it ya bloody backdoor bandit. I hope your chooks turn into emus and kick your shithouse down. Yeah bet you'd like a go, fucken doodle diddler. You look like the south end of a northbound camel.
I don't give a rats arse, mate. Look at this gronk. Oi this is you: HURR DURR LOOK AT ME I'M AN AMERICAN I LIKE GUNS AND LIVE IN A TRAILER! You ugly fucken dog cunt. You stupid bloody ning nong. Everyone look at the big sooky baby.
You're madder than a cut snake. I hope your ears turn into arseholes and shit all over your shoulders. You being smart, cunt?
You're so cheap you wouldn't shout if a shark bit you. I wouldn't trust ya as far as I could throw ya. You flaming galah.
You are LITERALLY a jew. You've got about as much agency as a boong has brain cells. Go get a job you fucking dero cunt.
This cunt's as useless as tits on a bull. Go get a job you fucking dero cunt. Are you even a real fascist, mate? Hooroo. Oi mate, one hundred percent, truly ruly, you are a total faggot. Oi, you are a fucking faggot though. Get out of it you bloody brown-eye bandit. Fucked so many girls in Bali last year. Go punch cones under a bridge or something you fucken wanker. You bum-tickling pooftah. I'm fucking ridgy-didge mate, not like you. I grew here, you flew here. Look at this gronk.
>He doesn't even have free healthcare.
You stupid bloody ning nong. I saw your dad at the Sydney mardi gras this year mate. He looked pretty good. I don't know what you're on about, mate. HAHAHA! HE'S NEVER EVEN HAD A LAMINGTON! I don't give a rats arse, mate. We must secure the existence of madcunts and a future for madcunts' kids. American football sucks dingo dick, play a real sport like AFL. I know plenty of muslims, they're all tip-top blokes. You're madder than a cut snake. I hope your ears turn into arseholes and shit all over your shoulders. Yeah go ahead, chuck a fucking spaz mate, I still fucked your mum.
ZOGahu akbar
No sssoah?
day late, shekel short