Message from @Campin' Carl
Discord ID: 286157366221733888
I don't give a rats arse, mate. Look at this gronk. Oi this is you: HURR DURR LOOK AT ME I'M AN AMERICAN I LIKE GUNS AND LIVE IN A TRAILER! You ugly fucken dog cunt. You stupid bloody ning nong. Everyone look at the big sooky baby.
You're madder than a cut snake. I hope your ears turn into arseholes and shit all over your shoulders. You being smart, cunt?
You're so cheap you wouldn't shout if a shark bit you. I wouldn't trust ya as far as I could throw ya. You flaming galah.
You are LITERALLY a jew. You've got about as much agency as a boong has brain cells. Go get a job you fucking dero cunt.
This cunt's as useless as tits on a bull. Go get a job you fucking dero cunt. Are you even a real fascist, mate? Hooroo. Oi mate, one hundred percent, truly ruly, you are a total faggot. Oi, you are a fucking faggot though. Get out of it you bloody brown-eye bandit. Fucked so many girls in Bali last year. Go punch cones under a bridge or something you fucken wanker. You bum-tickling pooftah. I'm fucking ridgy-didge mate, not like you. I grew here, you flew here. Look at this gronk.
>He doesn't even have free healthcare.
You stupid bloody ning nong. I saw your dad at the Sydney mardi gras this year mate. He looked pretty good. I don't know what you're on about, mate. HAHAHA! HE'S NEVER EVEN HAD A LAMINGTON! I don't give a rats arse, mate. We must secure the existence of madcunts and a future for madcunts' kids. American football sucks dingo dick, play a real sport like AFL. I know plenty of muslims, they're all tip-top blokes. You're madder than a cut snake. I hope your ears turn into arseholes and shit all over your shoulders. Yeah go ahead, chuck a fucking spaz mate, I still fucked your mum.
ZOGahu akbar
No sssoah?
day late, shekel short