Message from @YUGE
Discord ID: 288532953737199616
@D'Marcus Liebowitz Don't be jealous, I can have more than one Nazifu
Question @Jazzhands McFeels are ya coming back on Twitter or do ya think it's too risky with the ever going Shoah TaySachs Jack is brining on the AltRight?
@HeliRidesOfPeace I think I have to get a smart burn phone for that
With all the Twitter safety shit now
Jack isn't actually a Jew, but Gays are basically Jews
I think as long as you don't use slurs you're pretty much fine on Twitter
slurs are pretty much how they're getting everyone
Yeah, I feel ya. I've gone through so many burner phones from the Kroger's here, they probably think I'm a drug dealer or something lol
@SwiFT I'll be targeted tho
They shoah'd my third account 12 hours after I made it
Yeah I mean I'll give it a shot
@Jazzhands McFeels if that's really you
I fucking miss you
it is slug
I already did you fucking moron :^)
He'll always beat you to it @YUGE
@SLUG2_ I miss all you fags too
Hey @Jazzhands McFeels miss you man!
So many Fs were pressed that day for @Jazzhands McFeels
@Jazzhands McFeels listen to This Hour Has 88 Minutes
@Jazzhands McFeels make a point of telling him you don't listen to his show
geez guys stop fucking thirsting
@everyone listen to This Hour Has 88 Minutes
The man has many fans
@SLUG2_ I've been checked out fam but I'll give it a listen
@SLUG2_ I'll listen to it tomorrow m8
@SwiFT that's the best kind of jelly
I know, trying not to FanBoi here. But my weekends have not had a shining light in this sea of degeneracy in a while lol
@SLUG2_ no
@SLUG2_ every Monday at work.