Message from @Soap Merchant
Discord ID: 288533454218330113
I already did you fucking moron :^)
say it again leaf!
He'll always beat you to it @YUGE
@SLUG2_ I miss all you fags too
Hey @Jazzhands McFeels miss you man!
So many Fs were pressed that day for @Jazzhands McFeels
@Jazzhands McFeels listen to This Hour Has 88 Minutes
@Jazzhands McFeels make a point of telling him you don't listen to his show
geez guys stop fucking thirsting
@everyone listen to This Hour Has 88 Minutes
The man has many fans
@SLUG2_ I've been checked out fam but I'll give it a listen
@SLUG2_ I'll listen to it tomorrow m8
@SwiFT that's the best kind of jelly
I know, trying not to FanBoi here. But my weekends have not had a shining light in this sea of degeneracy in a while lol
@SLUG2_ every Monday at work.
You don't want Asians...
You can price out blacks and beans to avoid them, but only fools think they can out price Asians, by importing Asians white will become a lower financial class and will serve and work for Asians.
By importing Asians you are effectively bringing in a rich managerial class who will rule over you and buy out your cities.
Asians are smart and must not be let in at all costs
^True, look at Vancouver as an example.
I'm in Vancouver brah
@HeliRidesOfPeace we'll make them great again dude. Trust me, I need an outlet for this shit. Especially the past few weeks
Look at Australianaswell
Birthrates are really important though. Numbers matter. Spics are more numerous and they have more kids
And Muslims... well, they're Muslim
@Nikephoros rude