Message from @Pepe the Impaler - DC Area
Discord ID: 289196349474340866
if only
i bet heaven has the best audio equipment
it did but nigger heaven stole it
no such thing
ok you got me
i wonder if heaven has properly mixed copies of the first two oasis albums
@Pepe the Impaler - DC Area stuff like this makes me want man in the high castle to be the real timeline.
anyone have examples of diversity not working and mass deportation or segregation being the solution? So far my list is:
Czechoslovakia breaking up
India and Pakistan trading mulims and Hindus
Greece and Turkey trading their diaspora
I'm sure theres more just havent searched it
Greece & turkey? are you referring to cyprus?
The only additional one that comes to mind is the polish-lithuanian commonwealth. which was primerily a relgious seperation
no not cyprus although thats a good one too
Spain, portugal and navare breaking up under Carlos I
The early ethnic partition of the holy roman empire
Nazi Germany
1.2 million greeks leave their native lands and 400k muslims have to go back? doesn't seem fair tbqh
two state solutoin memery
tryna get the "just separate" meme out there more
cuz even a lot of ppl on our side say "oh well theyre already here so its not feasible"
and i wanna say nah its feasible af, has been done, and can be done again
I now have terminal cancer from that.
Aloha Snackbar
As much as I want to reclaim Constantinople, there are so few ethnic Greeks living in Asia Minor that most of these lands claims are diluted. @Pepe the Impaler - DC Area
Hagia Sophia
No other reason needed.
I only speak the truth.
the action of reclaiming will remove and replace the turks from those lands
Make Byzantium Great Again
i dont even get ur point
The cultural claims will never die
I'm greek too btw
But the population has changed significantly