Message from @FascistFather
Discord ID: 289234088081227796
Zim Zam can be proconsul of Mexico
Will Eastern Europe be the last stand?
Slavs are sub human
Australia will be last stand
Base of ops for huwhite rayce
Strictly no seppos allowed tho
Is that before or after the aboriginals learn how to fire guns?
I'm gonna have to crank up all the David Duke podcasts this week tomorrow, the Jewess up stairs is stomping around in heels while predrinking for wine wednesday
Asgardian if they figure that out they'll kill us all
Scary thought
>slavs are siubhuman
t. half-spic
Their iq is 64
As in
64 kills per minute
Ours are 100
For 100 cucks per second
It's 1/16 Spanish
I know I have to go back
Are they really that stupid
That'd be optimistic
One race right?
Didn't Theresa May a while back give a speech that was basically "calm the troops"
If civil war happened in Aus we'd prob get cunted by chyna
When our anti Islam nationalist party got back into parliament the greens walked out
During the leaders swearing in speech
Green fags just left
Is it possible for members of parliament to go on strike?
to legally barricade parliament until demands are met?
That party is literally out polling the Greens in Victoria, our commie shit fag state
At one point in time wasn't there only like 300 Jews left on esrth
And we let them go
We could have killed them all then and there and we'd be golden
I'm joking CIA no bully
1/16 Spanish here, am I going back?