Message from @InsaneCaterpilla

Discord ID: 556221765290950684

2019-03-14 12:02:49 UTC  

rural America would be the area hit hardest by automation, and is being hit hard right now by the trade deficit and trade wars

2019-03-14 12:02:55 UTC  

thats where Basic Income would do the most good

2019-03-14 12:03:05 UTC  

metropolitan areas have other problems

2019-03-14 18:25:15 UTC  

Humans are making themselves obsolete, and we don't even know what to do about it.

2019-03-15 11:23:11 UTC  

Okay, so let's set a new topic. Today's topic will be: what can we do to combat teachers and tutors who do stuff like this:

2019-03-15 19:01:38 UTC  

I thinhk students need to talk to other students and see how many of their classmates agree. if the teacher doesnt let them present something else, they can make it a unified sort of "protest" which can make a statement

2019-03-15 19:02:02 UTC  

but as a student its tricky, you're in a position of automatic inferiority and subordinance

2019-03-15 20:02:48 UTC  

There was a lot of discussion about this yesterday on the sub. What are people's thoughts?

2019-03-15 20:11:49 UTC  

I believe that perhaps there can be more constructive discussion here than what happened yesterday

2019-03-15 20:26:27 UTC  

I think you can be a mra regardless of political affiliation

2019-03-15 20:27:48 UTC  

Me too. What I'm personally interested in is why people develop the notion that you can't be. What inexorably, in their view, ties men's rights to the right wing?

2019-03-15 20:51:24 UTC  

If I were to take a guess, I would Thursday it has to do with the left being seen as the champion of feminism

2019-03-15 20:56:58 UTC  

I'm not so sure. It's just not enough for people to seem so committed to that idea. There has to be certain components of what ideas of left wing/liberal ideology they can point to as incompatible

2019-03-15 20:59:31 UTC  

I think it's left wing being for things like race and sex based quotas at school and work

2019-03-15 21:01:06 UTC  

You know how the left is always like a champion of "equality" for women ?

2019-03-15 21:01:24 UTC  

I think it's that

2019-03-15 21:03:19 UTC  

As far as I know none of the tenets by themselves, without extreme extrapolation, that would put you on the left wing side of a scale advocate for gender quotas

2019-03-15 21:06:42 UTC  

Leftists or rightists doing x doesn't mean that x is a core belief of all leftists or rightists, because that action actually has to be tied to one of the beliefs that put you on that scale, instead of being tied to the actions of others who also happen to share that belief

2019-03-15 21:07:25 UTC  

Yeah I would say feminism puts you on the left

2019-03-15 21:07:40 UTC  

It's considered a left wing idealogoy

2019-03-15 21:08:26 UTC  

And or course that advocates for things like "more women in x field"

2019-03-15 21:10:06 UTC  

That's the same kind of logic though that assumes all men are rapists because some men rape

2019-03-15 21:10:25 UTC  

No not really

2019-03-15 21:10:28 UTC  

Guilt by association

2019-03-15 21:10:58 UTC  

I'm saying it's anleft wing idealogy not that all left wing people follow that ideology

2019-03-15 21:11:14 UTC  

Right, the left wing has, generally adopted feminism as a sub-ideology.

2019-03-15 21:11:28 UTC  

For example left wing is seen as pro choice. But not all Democrats are pronchoice even though the left wing is associated with Democrats.

2019-03-15 21:11:36 UTC  


2019-03-15 21:11:43 UTC  

@GG Allin is correct

2019-03-15 21:12:19 UTC  

Sure, there are some conservative, traditionalist folks that embrace certain aspects of feminism, they do not adopt the entire ideology. The left has.

2019-03-15 21:12:51 UTC  

Only you've now switched to talking about the left and right wing political parties, whereas I'm talking about what actually makes you left wing or right wing on the scale. The actions of the political party don't change what is or isn't left or right wing at its core

2019-03-15 21:13:39 UTC  

The Nazis were the national socialist party but are considered right wing.

2019-03-15 21:14:14 UTC  

Sorry, I just caught the tail-end of this deabte.

2019-03-15 21:14:16 UTC  


2019-03-15 21:14:34 UTC  

Same here

2019-03-15 21:15:56 UTC  

If we were to switch to talking about political parties being against core MRM ideas though... I'm pretty sure *both of them* wouldn't qualify

2019-03-15 21:16:43 UTC  

Repeating wage gap myths and such.. 'binders of women'.. You essentially must vote independant if you hold that view

2019-03-15 21:16:59 UTC  

It's the democrats that are incompatible not Republicans