Message from @King Leopold II

Discord ID: 535554754957279252

2019-01-17 20:02:54 UTC  

So rude

2019-01-17 20:03:09 UTC  


2019-01-17 20:15:33 UTC  

Ad. "Short Term Governance" - I would argue that on average they would care more because paternal instincst. Would say that even the american boomers care on average more then their childless compatriots... and finally it is still an improvement from what we have today even if it won't solve the isse totally. Ad. Gatekeeping - When the gain in neglectable there is no source for this incentive. Tbh.. I don't think you explained how it is supposed to work. Ad. Apathy Seems to me like it universally leads to the said apathy in every country so...

2019-01-17 20:16:12 UTC  

Also people get more conservative with age so that alone makes me think that lowering the voting age is not a good idea.

2019-01-17 20:16:28 UTC  
2019-01-17 20:16:46 UTC  


2019-01-17 20:17:24 UTC  

Is this convo about government related to the daily question?

2019-01-17 20:17:37 UTC  

NVM I asked

2019-01-17 20:17:51 UTC  


2019-01-17 20:17:57 UTC  


2019-01-17 20:18:05 UTC  

I mean I don't know the daily question so yeah....

2019-01-17 20:18:29 UTC  

@ImATomato I spoke once about it

2019-01-17 20:18:33 UTC  

Get kinda confused when I see daily question request to answer in chat but it gets drowned but unrelated things

2019-01-17 20:18:37 UTC  

Then we went into race and government

2019-01-17 20:18:42 UTC  

shit spiraled

2019-01-17 20:19:04 UTC  

I think there should be a separation of Chat for asnwering dailies and general

2019-01-17 20:19:05 UTC  

your memes r funni

2019-01-17 20:19:12 UTC  

It is ok... when it triggers the libs then it is ok.

2019-01-17 20:19:23 UTC  

Makes it easier for both admins and members to learn something

2019-01-17 20:20:43 UTC  

I'll answer it soon

2019-01-17 20:23:23 UTC  

Make a daily chat @The Big Oof

2019-01-17 20:23:39 UTC  

one for general chill chat and one "daily"

2019-01-17 20:26:40 UTC  

Wdym, Legionary?

2019-01-17 20:27:10 UTC  

A new text channel?

2019-01-17 20:27:43 UTC  

Having more channels is usually not good

2019-01-17 20:29:04 UTC  

In the Plato word of ideas Ruffians would not exist.

2019-01-17 20:34:08 UTC  

@Aki your argument re: short term governance is lucid and intuitive but doesn’t map to reality as the increasing money diverted to age-related welfare demonstrates. You haven’t shown why your system would change this Behavior among parents.
The benefit I would proffer is extremely high of restricting the franchise to your in group in terms of promoting that in groups perspective hence your advocacy for it. By saying they have little to benefit by gatekeeping you undermine your message by questioning why they would want it restricted at all.
Politico, the economist and the abc all report that political engagement in the west is actually extremely high even as feelings of alienation increase as that engagement is scattered across many unconventional concerns and not represented by mainstream parties.
The issue is also not that the voting age would be lowered, which I’m not suggesting, but that it would be raised significantly higher.

2019-01-17 20:46:14 UTC  

thats alot of words

2019-01-17 21:01:24 UTC  

Lol @ destroy family statement

2019-01-17 21:13:55 UTC  

@CronoSaturn "You haven’t shown why your system would change this Behavior among parents."

I don't think it would solve the problem entirely but I think I have shown why it would lead to a better outcome then what we have now. In this context I would like to add that the more children you have the less reliant you are on the pensions.

"The benefit I would proffer is extremely high of restricting the franchise to your in group in terms of promoting that in groups perspective hence your advocacy for it. By saying they have little to benefit by gatekeeping you undermine your message by questioning why they would want it restricted at all.."

The benefit I am expecting is the promotion of parenthood and limiting acces to the people that care about long term more then average. What you said there is a deceptive misinterpretation of my words. The indyvidual parent voting power does not increase within any noticable sense when the number of people that have children (and thus are able to vote) increases... as such they have no personal egoistical motivation for a power grab. I don't see why would they have any personal nonegoistical motivation either tbh.. so yeah.

2019-01-17 21:13:58 UTC  

"Politico, the economist and the abc all report that political engagement in the west is actually extremely high even as feelings of alienation increase as that engagement is scattered across many unconventional concerns and not represented by mainstream parties."

It actually historically was going down preety sharply. In the recent years it got a lil better but that is probs due to the political controversies so it isn't a good idea to base your political ideas on it:

"The issue is also not that the voting age would be lowered, which I’m not suggesting, but that it would be raised significantly higher."

Grand! As I said people get more conservative with age. You made a good argument in my favour right there!

2019-01-17 21:14:32 UTC  

but yeah... I think I made a preety good case... so in case you dunn wanna add anything new instead of using circular logic...

2019-01-17 21:52:06 UTC  

Damn, still hitting the cringe strong with that weeb profile pic, @Aki 😫

2019-01-17 21:52:48 UTC  

Well... it is just a pic... lol

2019-01-17 21:53:11 UTC  

Man, I'm staying up late.. I can't sleep. It haunts me

2019-01-17 21:53:17 UTC  

That... pic...

2019-01-17 21:53:22 UTC  


2019-01-17 21:53:24 UTC  

clearly he must evolve and use russian propaganda posters for pfps instead @Deleted User

2019-01-17 21:53:40 UTC  

russia yuck

2019-01-17 21:53:41 UTC  

I would never do that!

2019-01-17 21:53:46 UTC  

you’re yuck