Message from @Archer
Discord ID: 301608524931399681
This is the most triggering shit I've heard in a while
Anyone else hear about this?
check the timestamp
@everyone ya son dis voice chat is still bumpin
Muslim killdozer when?
i can watch this video 100 x and never get sick of it. I have this shit on a billboard^ near my house
The Killdozer had:
>In places the armor was a foot thick composite of steel and concrete
>Visibility was done remotely with armored cameras
>Closable steel casements for his guns, all usuable by one man
>Fucking air-conditioning
read that description^
From above:
Funny enough, this isn’t the first kind of attack in Colorado. In 1998, a man named Tom Leask conducted an attack with a government owned front end loader in Alma, Colorado. He managed to destroy the town’s post office, town hall, fire department, and water department until he was shot dead.
@YUGE @Soap Merchant We must know what happened to it.
it was dismantled for scrap and taken to many different yards