Message from @MamaLana Sourdough

Discord ID: 512165660973858816

2018-11-01 12:22:59 UTC  

@MamaLana Sourdough ... Relic posted THREE ads/for sale crap in this channel... and me, zero.

2018-11-01 12:28:23 UTC  

I think you have me confused with someone else. =\

2018-11-02 04:53:28 UTC  

Lol. So 2 wrongs do not make a right. You posted in general and others called you out. I did think those were deleted but I don’t typically delete right away. Relic has been around and quite honestly I was shocked that they posted those links.

2018-11-02 04:56:27 UTC  

And fwiw this is the ingredient list of “my” toothpaste when I don’t want to use just salt.

2018-11-02 06:16:03 UTC  

well it was never my "tactics" ... you made it seem like i kept posting ads/for sale crap... when all it ever was, was one referral link that i deleted shortly after i was told about it. I was in the wrong when i sent the one referral link... you should at least admit that you were wrong for blaming me for "ads/for sale crap" when i never posted any such thing.

2018-11-02 08:33:31 UTC  

omg, somebody is alive

2018-11-02 08:34:42 UTC  

A referral link is a type of sale. You are already on public notice. We have far more important subjects to be discussing in the server and I will not allow further shilling in the server.

2018-11-03 04:59:54 UTC  

Wow, after going back & re-reading why you @MamaLana Sourdough, were miffed at @Gambit Mutant#4730, it made me wonder if the post I put up there about toothsoap made you upset. I just threw it in there because I thought folks were looking for more natural products for dental care. The link I provided, is for products I use. I don't make a dime from them. I use them, they are organic & they work. Takes a little getting used to. But after 6 years no new cavities, dentist says my teeth & gums are getting healthier. I will continue to recommend it.

2018-11-03 05:42:06 UTC  

@TxnPat4evr 🇨🇱 I have never been upset by legitimate posts. Your posts were completely legitimate as they were healthy recommendations that you don’t make money from. I have no problem if people are posting healthy options in here. Vaping is not along those lines. Gambit left the server on their own because I called them out publicly. They were intentionally distracting people from the cause - both of this room AND the overall server.

2018-11-03 05:45:28 UTC  

@TxnPat4evr 🇨🇱 btw, you might recognize the ingredients I posted last night - they are the ingredients from toothsoap - same stuff you use🤓👍✅🙏💜😅 lol

2018-11-03 15:57:58 UTC  

OK...,whew, I was worried there for a bit. Thanks @MamaLana Sourdough for letting me know. Yeah, when I looked at your label, I thought it was remarkably similar. 😊

2018-11-06 07:38:33 UTC  

Oh... for realz.... ffs. 😂 Murphy’s Law sayin I can’t save my teeth for nothing! 😅

2018-11-09 13:11:01 UTC  

I see SES has C-60 in stock, the 99.99% is $169 for 1/2 gram. However I am currently testing product purchased from China at Health Ranger's lab. Will post the results, oh and I purchased 5 grams for 60$ per at 99.95%.

2018-11-12 13:14:57 UTC  

RE: the video above. �� I drink a LOT of cheap, mass produced coffee and I have recently been wondering if "they" would mess with it to cause Alzheimer's. (What's one more conspiracy theory among friends?) Yep, at times, the noodle is suspect. However, if I am continually cutting off blood supply to my brain, am I also cutting off glucose, which my brain needs? Could that continual, long term starvation also be a contributing factor to Alzheimer's, dementia etc?

2018-11-12 17:31:42 UTC  

most of this movement are coffee drinkers, i gave up coffee prior to 9/11

2018-11-14 07:23:29 UTC  

I don’t drink coffee - I’ve had it fewer than 10 times in over 40 years. If you drink coffee, I’m of the opinion @lmbd it should be organic. And no more than 1 cup a day. There are better healthier ways to energize. But too much of even a good thing,

2018-11-14 08:46:52 UTC  

been on choco ever since i left mind is sharp as a razor ..but for some reason family thinks i should be instantly alert like i'm on those attention drugs.

2018-11-14 08:47:21 UTC  

the very sec i get out of bed...meanwhile they want 30mins at least to wake up

2018-11-14 08:49:02 UTC  

hey, mind is awake but body still sleeping, also mind still trying to adjust between reality and sleep-mode but it's sorta alert during this period

2018-11-17 18:52:25 UTC  

ok, this is screwy

2018-11-17 18:53:13 UTC  

makes u wonder....are they admitting to poisoning the honey or they just trying to get ppl to stop using honey period

2018-11-24 01:19:30 UTC  
2018-11-24 19:47:40 UTC  

☝️ I’m sorry .... a new vaccine, to stop half of what the old vaccines created ??

2018-11-25 04:16:02 UTC  

i'm not trusting any new vaxx til they arrest and imprison or execute all the ones that created all the poisonous other vaxx that got created to kill and harm and make us all suffer

2018-11-29 00:08:34 UTC  
2018-11-29 00:09:07 UTC  

took a while, but the code led me back to the vid link

2018-12-01 17:29:55 UTC  

@SirW00f I know ... dogs and kids didn’t get all these evil diseases until all the vaccines were continuously inflicted on them !

2018-12-01 19:35:16 UTC  

my dog vaxx'd at purchase

2018-12-01 19:35:31 UTC  

the only time he got his vaxx

2018-12-01 19:35:56 UTC  

thank god theres no enforcement of the vaxx law here for pets