Message from @Lars
Discord ID: 301859468432375809
i've been growing it out since christmas lol
y'all angry for no reason
how long is the rest of your hari
20+ in
Having that all women should be approached with some skepticism regardless. Modernism has turned most into useless skin around a vagina. So due dilligence is required to sift wheat from chaff. Some women can cloak it well as they get older due to self realization on why the guys they want are starting to be wary of them/date younger versions.
either way. Beta orbiters can be molded like clay
some of them more stubborn
Orbiters deserve their fate and the disembowelment that family court does to them
No its the young and attractive ones that are able to hide their intentions better. Simply because of the male sex drive and the belief that beauty=virtue. The older ones that didn't get married and have kids are bitter as fuck.
Are males alowed to have long hair
Putin needs to airdrop this to me
fashy cuts only
With a Dshka mounted
I will hand paint the adidas sripes
Regardless, they cannot hide them forever and they will show signs.
If you want alt right women, its extremely easy. Find a girl with a good/decent family, and red pill her.
and it pays off to vet the family also as broken goods in their home life will give them psychological issues in processing seemingly normal occurences in normal family units.
Women take their cues from a strong male anyways it is neither here nor there
But beware the eternal THOT
So long blonde hair isnt fashy
mein waifu has long blonde hair
For women yes. For men, depends are you nordic?
she is pretty fashy... but still a woman
Not fully
but i do have some scando
girls with long blonde hair are great.
dude girls
Fixed it
yes they are great