Message from @Campin' Carl
Discord ID: 301877548248334336
Oh fug
Did we declare war
i tab out for one second guys
war when
ids habbeding
they evacuted nork capital
6 gorillion people are gone
old news slouch
That's not new
I am excited for war with NK
I know its old mate
North Korea are bad guys
desurve to be smited by the Emperor
israels been airstriking syria again
knew that already
syria should airstrike israel multiple times with nukes
i did that in a game of hoi4
now do it irl
played as syria and nuked isreal
is isreal real
anime israel
@YUGE no i don't
spectre isnt racist enough
hows that for a strong opinion
dave is the albino reggae artist
@YUGE i met kreigson at a reno trump rally before i even knew about ie lol
bf2 is back?