Message from @Brad Small
Discord ID: 301877055052709889
you can take my opinion or not it is worth what you paid for it. I posted 6-10 percent gains in 08-13 on downturn. I am fine. You can enjoy your CD ladders or whatever scheme they are hocking on commercials these days tbh
ill be here enjoying my tea regardless
@Goldstein Riots it's good advice :^}
Eh, I sold all my stocks last year to pay for a bathroom remodel. Kinda like not have to deal with any extra tax forms.
Wait 8-12mo and go shopping
Maybe even 4-6
see what
they make fun of me driving
It really black pills me when I go to my local grocery store then to a liquor/convenience store and see uniformed cops stationed at both...
eternal reminder we could have prevented this by nuking them a while ago
Oh fug
Did we declare war
i tab out for one second guys
war when
ids habbeding
they evacuted nork capital
6 gorillion people are gone
old news slouch
That's not new
I am excited for war with NK
I know its old mate
North Korea are bad guys
desurve to be smited by the Emperor
heres some bad news though
israels been airstriking syria again
knew that already
syria should airstrike israel multiple times with nukes