Message from @Clitzkrieg
Discord ID: 683399163219673105
And diameter of the barrel
this one website said that if the powder is too fine the pressure rises too quickly
there's a reason they use different grain sizes in modern rifles
look at the grain size used in 50bmg and 22lr
Idk much about black powder rifles, I’d just look at forums about it to get your best answer
thanks to both of you
found this is another pdf
Commonly called “Four F”, this is the finest
granulation and is used for priming flintlocks.
Due to its rather limited use, it is usually
somewhat difficult to obtain. When necessary,
FFFG may be substituted. There is no
Pyrodex equivalent.
FFFG/Pyrodex “P”
Commonly called “Triple F”, this powder is
used in most single shot pistols and all
percussion revolvers. It is also popular for all
smaller caliber rifles up to and including 50
caliber. When FFFFG is not available, FFFG
may be used to prime a flint lock.
FFG/Pyrodex “RS” and “Select”
Commonly called “Double F”, this is a popular
powder for rifles over 50 caliber and up to 75
caliber. Also used in the larger caliber single
shot pistols and most shotguns.
Commonly called “Single F”, this is the
coarsest granulation used for small arms. Use
is pretty much restricted to rifles over 75 caliber
and large bore shotguns. There is no
Pyrodex equivalent.
I wanna make shotgun shells
thankerino also this for anyone interested in the same thing
I also have 6 7.62x54R shells that I could reload but it would be hard to machine something for them with my tools
all I need now is a good 12 gauge tube
would mild steel work?
if i recall pressure on a 12 gauge is actually really low like at 12k psi so i would guess just black iron pipe would work
dont quote me on that tho
if unshure use whatever is safer
It all depends on how long you need it to work for
20 shots? Mild steel will work. More than that, you *will* get fucked
I personally hope not at all
Remember hardened steel is brittle
but considering the amount of that thing will be here for, I don't wanna have to go finding a strong another pipe for a shotgun
Use regular pipe
hmm, google is saying a Cr,Mo steel type
Just have interchangeable pipes
schedule 80 steel pipe is what you want i think. rated for a burst pressure of 14k psi
Or fit a 1 inch pipe over a 3/4 inch pipe and solder it together
All still has chromium and Molybdenum in it
yo kekno you're a fucking genius
Either will work