Message from @Dionysus AKA Giegue

Discord ID: 672937465798983694

2020-01-25 00:44:18 UTC  


2020-01-25 00:44:36 UTC  

That's visibly fucking LARPed

2020-01-25 00:44:52 UTC  

don't worry, I like it when people make fake stories

2020-01-25 00:44:57 UTC  

it adds to the mystery

2020-01-25 00:45:06 UTC  

but that's just plain retarded

2020-01-29 17:50:24 UTC  

how do people make big story screencaps?

2020-01-29 18:12:31 UTC  

So it's all on one cap so you don't have to go around looking for a dozen more

2020-01-29 19:24:23 UTC  

@kid kek The way I do it is screencap as much as the story as possible, then if too big, slice it into different caps then stitch them together in an editor

2020-01-29 20:50:10 UTC  


2020-01-30 02:31:13 UTC  

Something just touched my shoulder reeeeee

2020-01-30 02:43:44 UTC  

@T-34 Waifu Updates

2020-01-30 02:44:14 UTC  

None I just felt a humans hand put their hand on my shoulder

2020-01-30 02:44:25 UTC  

i jumped, turned around and nothing was there

2020-01-30 02:44:55 UTC  

Most definitely felt that though

2020-01-30 02:45:07 UTC  


2020-01-30 02:45:18 UTC  

Maybe it's the long neck nigga you saw trying to sodomize you

2020-01-30 02:45:19 UTC  


2020-01-30 02:45:36 UTC  


2020-01-30 02:45:51 UTC  


2020-01-30 02:46:10 UTC  

I guess that barbed wire’s gonna start paying itself off

2020-01-31 22:53:14 UTC

2020-01-31 22:53:30 UTC

2020-01-31 22:53:35 UTC

2020-02-01 08:38:54 UTC  

Update the knocking on my window stoped

2020-02-01 14:00:23 UTC  


2020-02-03 12:51:07 UTC  

>be me
>native american, living far from any kind of real civilisation, very traditional comunity
>have no technology,live like our ancestors did, not up to date with current affairs in the world
>I did see a white man once though, and became friends with him, his name is Steve
>he lives in the big white man city, but one day he shows up saying he would like to live away from it for a while, and he remembered me
>I tell him the the village will not accept him just like that, and that the two of us can live away from the vilage for a while until they get used to him
>we head out into the forest, go to a clearing that I saw a few times earlier but never went to before, it looked nice
>we set up camp and get a fire going
>smoking the pipe, cooking meat over the fire, having a good time
>I’m curious about what’s happening in the world and ask him
>he looks kinda nervous and worried when I ask him, he says he went here to “get away from it all”, and “hopes everything will blow over anyway”
>really curious, but decide not to press the issue
>evening comes, we both hit the pipe a bit too much and go to our tents to sleep early
>as I drift to sleep I swear I could hear what sounded like gibberish speech coming from the treeline
>we both get up pretty early, have breakfast
>I suggest we go explore the forest, no dangerous animals around
>Steve isn’t thrilled about the idea, says something about staying in the clearing “where we can see if someone is approaching”

2020-02-03 12:51:17 UTC  

>I don’t really understand why meeting someone would be a problem, figure white people like to be alone from time to time from living in such big cities
>he caves in and we go exploring after I point out we’re in the middle of nowhere and the odds of meeting someone are slim to none
>we wander around for a bit, find some tasty mushrooms
>we find this small shack
>Steve is weary of it
>white man have many fears
>whatever, I’ll go check it out by myself
>It looks like someone could live in it, but it’s too small, the person would have to be a dwarf
>there was a miniature bowl on a miniature table, inside it bones of a bat, and two small sticks
>I told Steve what I found
>he was very weirded out by what I told him and insisted that I take this medicine called dolutegravir and others
>Strange reaction, but I took it
>we went back to the clearing where after more piping atmosphere lightened up
>friend still looking at the treeline with worry from time to time
>day passes, evening comes, we light a fire
>suddenly notice this intense, smogy smell
>I thought I saw some kind of small animal crawling on all fours in the treeline
>I hear this gutteral cough from that same direction
>Steve picks up a few rocks from the ground, looks ready to fight
>I do the same, am terrified
>the thing circles around the camp during the night
>we both stand guard, don’t get a wink of sleep
>I can make out its shape in the dark from time to time
>at one point it was iluminated completely by the fire
>it stood up on its rear legs
>it must have been at least 4 feet tall
>it looked almost like a human, but not quite
>it had a sickly, yellowish skin, no eyes as far as I could tell, not even holes for the eyes to fit in
>it had a very long and thin mustauche
>it appeared to be dressed in leather made entirely of bat skin
>I threw some rocks at it, it produced that same gibbering noise I heard on the first night, interupted by terrible coughs

2020-02-03 12:51:29 UTC  

>it ran back to the treeline and the night was pretty quiet from that point on
>my elders have no stories of such a monster
>in the morning we went to Steve’s horseless chariot, where he insisted I put on this strange, bright yellow suit over my clothes
>I asked him if we should really be focusing on our clothes right now
>he insisted I put it on and explained why, but all I got out of it was that it would somehow ward off evil
>I asked what that thing was, and again I didn’t really understand, I think he called it chinkcorona
>he drove us into the big city, I’ve never been there before
>it was in disaray, people wore masks, many strange marvels
>Steve took us to the white medicine man
>he poked us with a needle and sent us on our way
I never knew white people had monsters too

2020-02-03 12:51:45 UTC  

Finished the corona walker story

2020-02-03 12:51:56 UTC  

Please critiqe

2020-02-03 13:11:33 UTC  


2020-02-04 15:16:13 UTC  


2020-02-04 16:30:27 UTC  


2020-02-06 00:11:43 UTC  


2020-02-06 00:11:55 UTC  

<:numbingelixer:652409437088120832> <:heil:652409795675947011>

2020-02-11 21:20:33 UTC  

@PowerElephant i made your story into an image so you can send it in one go instead of spamming lmao

2020-02-11 21:28:33 UTC

2020-02-11 21:29:31 UTC  

I do suggest calling it the Chengdigo <:KEK:465443054254424065>

2020-02-11 22:03:02 UTC  


2020-02-11 22:48:32 UTC  

<@&461917128044576779> this seems goid