Message from @Coal

Discord ID: 568315191133995008

2019-04-18 01:15:44 UTC  

Punch her in the face

2019-04-18 01:55:34 UTC  

@KhromosomeKing believe in spiritualism shit

2019-04-18 01:55:40 UTC  

animalism type shit

2019-04-18 01:55:44 UTC  

earth type shit

2019-04-18 01:55:57 UTC  

dont ever go into a hedonistic view

2019-04-18 01:57:29 UTC  

Might fo something that'll label me clown ofbthe day, but fuck it, if I'm gonna try and tie up some loose ends this year might as well do it now

2019-04-18 01:57:41 UTC  

Already did that saturday

2019-04-18 03:20:23 UTC  

Holy fuck paste

2019-04-18 03:20:29 UTC  

Im so sorry to hear that

2019-04-18 03:21:54 UTC  

GUESS WHO DIDN'T END UP BEING A CLOWN TODAY <:YaaY:512039594108256257> <:YaaY:512039594108256257> <:YaaY:512039594108256257>

2019-04-18 04:14:48 UTC  

We're always clowns

2019-04-18 04:14:54 UTC  

It's a clown world after all

2019-04-18 04:49:37 UTC  


2019-04-18 04:49:47 UTC  

I'll post the story later

2019-04-18 05:34:48 UTC  

Wholesome story time

2019-04-18 05:42:49 UTC  

>be me
>be building some shid
>see someone i know post on there story
>old jr.high crush who followed me a long time ago
>remember wanting to talk to them for a while just to tie up a loose end and how they said "hmu somtime" after saying happy birthday to her on a post
>contemplate this while working on project
>decied fuck it and message her
>complement her on how her hair looks nice and how it's been a while
>don't think anything would happen because how cringe it was
> "thanks. Omg, it's been a while" she responds with
>actually hold a decent convo and what we've been up to since jr.high
>tells me how she kept a drawing i gave from 7th/8th grade while going through some old shit (i cringe and how i was back then)
>say it was great catching up after such a long time and responds by liking my message and saying it was
> mfw i tied up a loose end
>mfw when i finally got some closure after a long time

2019-04-18 05:59:28 UTC  


2019-04-18 06:01:26 UTC  

Thats awesome

2019-04-18 06:01:36 UTC  

Reminds me to talk to one of my friends

2019-04-18 06:01:40 UTC  

but I Feel like im bugging her

2019-04-18 06:01:45 UTC  

so IM just super unsure when it comes to her

2019-04-18 06:01:50 UTC  

she never initiates convos

2019-04-18 06:07:06 UTC  

Depends on why your messaging them

2019-04-18 06:08:06 UTC  

If you want to apologize for bugging them or to catch up like i did it's fine to message first

2019-04-18 13:14:39 UTC  

Bois yall wanna go on a feel trip?

2019-04-18 13:16:27 UTC  

I miss home, I miss my family and my best friend, I miss quiet relaxing mornings in my room, I miss the florida sunshine, I miss the feeling of familiarity of my town.

2019-04-18 13:17:08 UTC  

I miss eating publix tendies and cheap sushi while playing vidya on the couch and getting high with my best friend

2019-04-18 13:17:59 UTC  

I miss the simplicity of not worrying whether I could get my laundry done or a clean shower

2019-04-18 13:18:28 UTC  

I wanna hug my mom

2019-04-18 13:19:29 UTC  

I make a shit load of money but I can't enjoy it

2019-04-18 13:19:58 UTC  

But I know if I keep at it for a few years I'll be set

2019-04-18 13:20:06 UTC  

I know that feel.

2019-04-18 13:20:31 UTC  

I'll have a literal shit load of money to just throw at anything I want

2019-04-18 13:20:53 UTC  

I miss being in Floridatoo, it was so much nicer back then when I was young.

2019-04-18 13:21:07 UTC  

Maybe I'll retire, or start a business, or pursue a quantum mechanics degree

2019-04-18 13:21:23 UTC  

Fire Ants are bitches, fuck em'.

2019-04-18 13:21:50 UTC  

I read that as *fine arts and bitches*

2019-04-18 13:22:05 UTC  

Classy lad