Message from @noobypropmaker

Discord ID: 640231424909377546

2019-11-02 15:29:08 UTC  

If you people wanna momma bird him fine. I'll just stay out of it

2019-11-02 15:50:02 UTC  

wait hold on, you think I'm blaming women? no, I blame myself for the whole thing, I feel bad about it and I miss her.

2019-11-02 16:17:55 UTC  


2019-11-02 16:30:18 UTC  

I can't fucking take it anymore

2019-11-02 16:30:39 UTC  

she said she never loved me, she just didn't know how to say no

2019-11-02 16:31:35 UTC  

Block her.

2019-11-02 16:31:42 UTC  

Don't talk to her.

2019-11-02 16:31:49 UTC  

She's clearly not worth it.

2019-11-02 16:32:59 UTC  

@T-34 Waifu Call her out on it if you wanna.

2019-11-02 16:33:08 UTC  

Just do what you wanna do and don't talk to her.

2019-11-02 16:33:23 UTC  

But whatever you do, please for the love of god don't kill yourself.

2019-11-02 16:38:00 UTC  

@T-34 Waifu just block her already

2019-11-02 16:38:08 UTC  

She's a waste of time and energy

2019-11-02 16:38:41 UTC  

You still talking to her will make her view you as a weakling and thus more likley to get manipulated again

2019-11-02 16:39:08 UTC  

People like that will take advantage of a kind heart trust me when i say that

2019-11-02 16:49:11 UTC  

she won't even talk to me, I'm not really allowed to talk this out. I'm hearing this through an old friend that I don't talk to anymore. it's fucking dumb too. "i want to be with you forever"
>write poetry about how she loves me every day
>"I never loved him"

2019-11-02 16:50:39 UTC  

Some people are just too afraid to speak how they feel

2019-11-02 16:50:53 UTC  

You have to do to them what they did to you

2019-11-02 16:50:58 UTC  


2019-11-02 16:51:00 UTC  

I mean she literally told me she loved me so many times

2019-11-02 16:51:06 UTC  

Pretend they don't exist from now on

2019-11-02 16:51:45 UTC  

Templar, I don't have anything else. All I had was that relationship and I don't even have that anymore.

2019-11-02 16:51:54 UTC  

I can't really just pretennd

2019-11-02 16:52:44 UTC  

not to mention that entire thing just ruined everything. I am extremely paranoid and I always had a fear something like this would happen and now she's making all of my fears come true.

2019-11-02 16:53:20 UTC  

Yes you can. You're just making excuses. Finish colleg, learn a new hobby, take up a new intrest. You survived ODing on Xans and a hit from a car for christ sakes. You've been given 2 chances at life for a reason

2019-11-02 16:53:29 UTC  

she just made my paranoia 1,000,000,000 time harder to handle

2019-11-02 16:53:50 UTC  

The paranoia will only get worse if you choose to keep asking about her

2019-11-02 16:54:05 UTC  

It's not gonna stop if you keep worrying about her

2019-11-02 16:54:12 UTC  

Move on

2019-11-02 16:54:22 UTC  

It's the only way

2019-11-02 17:02:47 UTC  

I feel like she's just beating a dead horse. like I don't already want to die then there's another thing and then another

2019-11-02 17:02:54 UTC  

life just fucking hates me

2019-11-02 17:06:52 UTC  

No it doesn't. these type of events are meant to harden you, make you stronger, smarter etc. That's what we're supposed to do with these hardships. It's whether or not you choose to let these events get to you that determines whether or not you can live in the real world. And btw the only person beating a dead horse is you. Your ex in all honesty probably moved on already and forgot about you if what she said about "never loving you" is true. There was a point where i felt the same about life, but that changed after recent events and deciding to do something i always planned to do. I suggest you do the same. Find something you've always wanted to do thats in your budget and do it

2019-11-02 17:08:33 UTC  

I just want to be genuinely loved but there's no budget that can buy that

2019-11-02 17:09:04 UTC  

that's literally all I want

2019-11-02 17:10:36 UTC  

Well I mean

2019-11-02 17:10:38 UTC  

We love you here

2019-11-02 17:10:40 UTC  

No homo

2019-11-02 17:10:41 UTC  

Same here, but i know that'll only happen through trial and error. Try not to focus on love rn. You're still young and you're probably gonna see faces come and go. So focus more on your education, your career of intrest, and have your social skills and dating shit be more of a side project

2019-11-02 17:12:05 UTC  

Just please don't try and kill yourself like before alright. Because i get the feeling the third time won't end as smoothly as it did before

2019-11-02 17:24:22 UTC  

@Clitzkrieg @bdog From what I see, he's just going through the mourning phase. This happened recently and he's gonna be very emotional. Just let him vent and get it out of his system. It's healthy for him to be talking about this. But, if he keeps acting like this after weeks and months, then he's gonna have to learn at some point to stop. Self loathing won't help him in the long run, and will have to learn to shut up and move on. That is only IF he keeps this up for a long time after.