Message from @Clitzkrieg

Discord ID: 657325033319825428

2019-12-19 13:50:23 UTC  

i try as much as i can but my bus comes really early cause i live in the middle of nowhere

2019-12-19 13:54:11 UTC  

Get one of these, no joke @keknomancer

2019-12-19 13:54:54 UTC  

Wtf would a tongue scraper do?

2019-12-19 13:55:13 UTC  

Gets rid of bacteria

2019-12-19 13:55:33 UTC  

That’s why you use the opposite end of your toothbrush on your tongue

2019-12-19 13:55:41 UTC  

But the scraper works better

2019-12-19 13:55:47 UTC  

But I don't use the opposite end on my tongue

2019-12-19 13:55:56 UTC  

Well you should

2019-12-19 13:56:06 UTC  

For my entire life I have only scraped my tongue thrice

2019-12-19 13:56:17 UTC  

That I can recall

2019-12-19 13:56:33 UTC  

Floss, brush, and scrape

2019-12-19 13:56:40 UTC  

And mouth wash

2019-12-19 13:56:54 UTC  


2019-12-19 14:42:26 UTC  

Kekno gets cancer

2019-12-19 20:51:41 UTC  

Welp, here we have it. The grand finale

2019-12-19 20:52:49 UTC  

I feel a lot better now knowing why everyone was acting like an asshole towards me

2019-12-19 20:54:00 UTC  

And it's not my fault

2019-12-19 20:54:01 UTC  

It was weeb-girl's fault

2019-12-19 20:54:07 UTC  

Fucking cunt

2019-12-19 20:54:21 UTC  

She was telling everyone I was into her and just wanted to fuck her

2019-12-19 20:55:00 UTC  

At first I loved her, then she started dating someone else and I got over it, after that I wanted to be friends but it turns out she's a fucking cunt

2019-12-19 20:55:28 UTC  

Just telling that to everyone without a second thought.

2019-12-19 20:55:58 UTC  

At first I thought she was one of the few normal people in the class

2019-12-19 20:56:07 UTC  

Quite the opposite actually

2019-12-19 20:57:39 UTC  

I helped the fucking bitch a lot

2019-12-19 20:58:02 UTC  

Well not that much but I still helped her with math, getting over her ex and tried to be supportive

2019-12-19 20:58:59 UTC  

I've been there for her

2019-12-19 20:59:10 UTC  

Tried to help her with other shit too

2019-12-19 20:59:28 UTC  

She's always just shrugged it off as me trying to get into her panties

2019-12-19 21:00:36 UTC  

I feel like there was always a reason I wanted her to confess to me so I could just friendzone her

2019-12-19 21:01:20 UTC  

Just to make sure that she knows I wanted to be friends

2019-12-19 21:01:29 UTC  

But fuck her then if she's gonna be cunt

2019-12-19 21:01:39 UTC  

She didn't even fucking tell me anything

2019-12-19 21:02:03 UTC  

No "oi mate I don't wanna be dating you" or "let's stay as friends"

2019-12-19 21:02:08 UTC  

None of that shit

2019-12-19 21:02:48 UTC  

Just being friendly with me and talking shit about me behind my back

2019-12-19 22:06:50 UTC  


2019-12-19 22:39:02 UTC  

@Clitzkrieg she sounds like an awful fucking bitch man.

2019-12-19 23:33:18 UTC  

I get it man, my ex does the same to me. She made me feel human, I made her stop cutting and enjoy living, stop her caffeine addiction, etc. She says we had a broke. relationship even though I helped her out and never even argued with her once. We had a lot in common too and I gave her the attention she wanted.

2019-12-20 02:19:27 UTC  


2019-12-20 02:19:31 UTC  
