Message from @Schokolade
Discord ID: 601562959319269376
Her snatch probably looks like a gaping prune, no thanks
No it doesn't <:gib:540716154809876511>
It's gonna look like that after she's finished with the guards
Damn is 4chan that cucked?
what the fuck
Some of y’all niggas don’t browse /tv/ and it shows
I'm waking up to ash and dust
I wipe my ass and I slap my nuts
I'm breathing in the genitals (inhale) (exhale)
I'm keking in, cringing out, noscoping normies in the BUTT
This is it, the meme-pocolypse
I'm waking up, I feel it in my doge
Enough to make my pepes old
Welcome to the meme page, to the meme page
Welcome to the le meme page, to le meme page
fuck you rabbit
I can’t stand them
I see them all over YouTube
You think these are bad?
Just wait for the Koran adverts