Message from @A Pesky Sæxon
Discord ID: 605099733513535516
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@country doggo Ok so fun fact
So Fraser Anning is mentioned in here because just recently, PewDiePie played Minecraft with Jack Black.
No wrong nigga.
Anning is an Aussie politician.
Uh yeah but Pewds played with Jack Black lmao.
@Deleted User
Check out the comments section especially when order by most recent.
Why the fuck is it about Brenton Tarrant?
Did he play this song or some shit?
It was played in his when his rampage at the first mosque was completed. Oh and I say first mosque because he tried to go for a second but that was when someone pulled a gun on him and chased him out.
Let's be real though, fuck JewTube for removing these songs.
If they can't handle free speech then they should be dropped off a cliff, diapers on.