Message from @Aeiou
Discord ID: 644034514842026014
I need someone to buy me a puppy
does a malformed rat count?
We're not letting you fuck a puppy
I am a furry but I don’t fuck dogs
I've got this rat which lives in my AC that looks like it came straight outta chernobyl
you can have it
@T-34 Waifu I got a gf for you
april fools is hella far away my nigga
ah yes
The japs say we have three faces
The first we show to family and friends
The second to our co-workers and acquaintances
And the third is epstein didn't kill himself
Oh god they got ink in their eye
@Corinthian I wonder if you also believe that leaving a fan ON while you sleep is dangerous.
clickbaity thumbnail...... but a pretty good Youtuber
Watched my anime movie
Hey man
I was being "social"
At the least
Still a weeb
I have awaken
I actually am curious if someone will make this horror movie concept in sfm^
Commission it lol
Kek make it the next cupcakes
Actually wait. You know how theres a lot of futa trash in the overwatch sfms right
Same concept but replace andy with like a futa tracer or something
Yee. Cause overwatch fans are fags
i have tomorrow off
Your coworkers gonna handle that?