Message from @ElectricHype
Discord ID: 645273091332767745
@ElectricHype You're a faggot
<:feelsbadman:589929333074821140> <:gunright:644362650754482220>
fuck japan
||He's cute ngl||
haha faggot
burn the faggots
kermit <:YaaY:512039594108256257>
that bear injected too many marijuanas
"How do i dog"
@Dionysus AKA Giegue
We is full
i just realized fruit is spelled wrong
||foot gummy||
I love sperm
It taste good
thicc cat
dummy thicc
@bdog Shieeeettt
telemarketer: hello is this connor?
Me: no I'm Cat
>hang up
>rinse and repeat 9 times just this morning alone
Telemarketer 9: Hello is th-
Ask them if they have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour Jesus Christ
If that fails, start reciting Hitler speeches ||from memory||
Hang on there calling again
Nvm it was spectrum Kek
Holy shit that was close