Message from @Vanguard
Discord ID: 304592065277329420
He wlnt win
He's way too unpopular
I hope so lad
dude its over
he has no chance
ik lel
I'm slightly surprised the cowardly lock attacker is a fucking professor but I shouldn't be
Maybe he won't be a professor for much longer...
Corbyn epitomises the British leftist cuckold
He has one good quality
He is not entirely pro israel. But theb again..he is far too in love with Muslims
this is the cuckiest thing ive ever seen
Yeah that clip is hilarious
what are we activating
i wanna activate stuff
oh ok it all makes sense now
@everyone can you goys spread this shit for Damigo?
Also happy birthday to mein fuhrer
Merry Hitlermas everyone!
Not only is it Hitler's bday but it's raining and the slowdive album leaked
Life can't get more perfect
lol Badtanman playing persona
it can get better
it leaked in flac
and yeah p5 was great
who is best girl?