Message from @Tech Kaczynski
Discord ID: 305558551768858624
superchargers are gayyyyyyy
you dont go as fast
I just want a matte black v8 rwd muscle car with a giant chrome intake sticking out of the hood
life goal
Dude I'm fucking nervous.
I love that bug catcher
lotta plasic
Car-posting is so over my head.
yeah but focus on the SUPACHARGER
well yeah, very a e s t h e t i c
I do like that one.
My father force-fed me mad max at a very young age
Isn't Ken from intersectional altright doing a new podcast? Does anyone know what it's called?
I remember seeing it a couple months ago but forgot the name
Its not around anymore
I just wanna hear his monologues 😦
hes on fatherland last I heard
ANZAC day soon
France will be where it all begins...
Win lose or draw..
Rex is almost right.
tfw no alt right soros to fly out right wing baguette squads on the streets of paris
France as a nation is done, even if Le Pen wins. They descend into chaos soon anyway.
Electre is gross. She's like if femen joined the alt-right.
Know that feel Rex.
You were just on point about Europe Report and the anger it produces. You can only listen to do much of that shit.. fucking brutal.
Beach Boys Nationalism is the only way
I'd roll but I'm a yank and far away.