Message from @Cвятогор
Discord ID: 607180468663877651
Somehow Mr Irrelevant got mad
No, no, no. You insulted discord Christians and @Deleted User sperged about it
Now stop cause it's pointless
I stopped
>insulted Discord Christians
god damn autism
Lmao whatever floats your boat mate
gay below
No u
Tbh every Romanian on here has shown great autism
Exept load
At least i havnt aeem him autism post
I get that you all hate christians
I hate pagans too
I don’t hate Christians lmao
don't you hate christians?
I have Christians mates
I just make fun of you
Me or bosniakbro
are they practicing?
their religion
Mankn is
I think
But who cares
If you can’t handle some jokes you are big gay
If you start bants with me about being Christian, I won't give a shit
All I need to do is make Stands canon
Yeah, sounds about right
@IliasSpook amirite
fuck u rite
Own opinions