Message from @IliasSpook
Discord ID: 607276355696066570
I have Christians mates
I just make fun of you
Me or bosniakbro
are they practicing?
their religion
Mankn is
I think
But who cares
If you can’t handle some jokes you are big gay
If you start bants with me about being Christian, I won't give a shit
All I need to do is make Stands canon
Yeah, sounds about right
@IliasSpook amirite
Own opinions
*• Truth is what governs all things in life. There can be but one
• Opinions, delusions and lies are falsehoods, deviations from
the Truth.
• All falsehoods come from the human mind.
• Fascism is the Worldview of Truth.
• All man-made ideologies are falsehoods.*
>Worldview of truth
>implying fascism would work in a period outside of the post-industrial era
You fucking materialist
>caring about what works and what doesn't in different eras
>"haha lmao materialist"
>fascism is the worldview of truth
>fascism didn't exist until 1919
>by this logic the truth didn't exist until 1919
yeah right
God is the truth
>people would probably unironically believe this
we can only see it but not hold it
>and people will call you dumb, retard etc. for disagreeing with them
There's a thing what i call Fascism, what is MORE than symbols, persons, politics, programs, economics, parties and history