Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 607180401903009793
Cool story bro
Are you mad?
Tfw stop being retarded, who gives a fuck about this
I just stated how it is, that reading certain books doesn’t make you autistic and compared the IM readers to Discord Christians
Somehow Mr Irrelevant got mad
No, no, no. You insulted discord Christians and @Deleted User sperged about it
Now stop cause it's pointless
I stopped
>insulted Discord Christians
god damn autism
Lmao whatever floats your boat mate
gay below
No u
Tbh every Romanian on here has shown great autism
Exept load
At least i havnt aeem him autism post
I get that you all hate christians
I hate pagans too
I don’t hate Christians lmao
I have Christians mates
I just make fun of you
Me or bosniakbro
are they practicing?
their religion
Mankn is
I think
But who cares
If you can’t handle some jokes you are big gay
If you start bants with me about being Christian, I won't give a shit
All I need to do is make Stands canon
Yeah, sounds about right
@IliasSpook amirite