Message from @D'Marcus Liebowitz
Discord ID: 311491119642836992
What spot makes this? It's in NY?
Man hungarian dough is great, is it the kind made on tejföl instead of milk?
@Halindir no idea
@OrwellHuxley D.C. Is ass you don't want
@Pepe the Impaler - DC Area DC is worth a visit. It's not all bad. Smithsonian museums, the monuments, the architecture-- all still nice to see
Oh just a visit yeah
U don't wanna live there
Urbanite sprawl
Oh yeah
Living there sucks unless you come from Old Money
Concentrated urbanites in D.C. Then their sprawl after that
That neighborhood around American U, where a bunch of embassy estates are--few neighborhoods compare in beauty.
But good luck ever affording it!
Kiwi Lebensraum