Message from @SDifference
Discord ID: 315783750787006464
hmm what sounds like that...
mezzanine is a pretty good album on that note
love this one
should move to music actually
ok ill stop 😛
@D'Marcus Liebowitz - can we have a Kitchen and another broom closet in this chat?
Feels sad man
@MsNatSocialist you white sharia women really know how to kill a meme
How to get girls:
Lol, he actually uploaded the phone calls to jewtube. Hopefully it has the (((Streisand))) effect:
Oh man
@everyone niggers. I'm driving back. Join.
@Eli Mosley <:spongebob:283795021193543680>
>Dafuq is it with this comments section? It's sick and stupid as hell! The movie is about equality between races and tries to send a message that the color of the skin does not matter. From what I've seen in the trailer, all the side-characters are racists. Blacks are racist against the white woman and the whites are racist against the black man. Where do you people see this propaganda bullshit in which they shame whites only? People nowadays have truly reached a new pinnacle of stupidity and arrogance.
@SDifference I genuinely felt sick watching that trailer
Eli brought it up
Well they were actually kings in the last 100 years, just not very good ones.
>As of 2014, Botswana has the third-highest prevalence rate for HIV/AIDS.
White genocide in action
If our women were just being bred by kangz I wouldn't mind, there aren't that many of them.
If there were whiter lines of royalty in africa things might be less fucked up
The fucking audacity of these kikes
They've overstepped their game and now are outright throwing out propganda like this smugly
First off fuck South African blacks they all need to be gassed for the outright genocide they're doing
I hope movies like that aren't that popular. Unfortunately they're probably lapped up by coalburning couples
Aye, you're not wrong there
But the fact they can do this shit though.