Message from @Meme Bard
Discord ID: 499618415774793729
Hey.. HEY there GOY....
ALL cultures are EQUAL
Spoiler alert: commies are pieces of shit and deserve anything bad that ever happens to them
This nibba got voted into parliament by accident
I'm not joking
Yeah, there was a green text showing how he got in as a joke and he just has really bad takes but liberals think he's this bastion of socialism Do you think cuckservatives are going to bend the knee?
I don't believe a word of it. It's a flat out lie and liberals expect everyone to keep bowing down to their metoo scam. As long as people keep falling for it, they'll keep doing it.
Show us the police report or sit the fuck down
Do you have the greentext? I saw it too but I can't seem to find it anywhere.
I'm still lookibg
"Bake the cake, bigot!
" No."
" Okay, we'll take this to the UK Supreme Court "
*Court backs Evangelical Christian baker who refuses to bake gay marriage cake*
Still the least pozzed part of the UK. Mon Norn Iron!
Gaystapo BTFO'd.
maybe hope for the uk yet kek
Well, they are on opposite sides in a war.
in case you needed some weird in your life
that’s only a drop in the sea there
we need a John Wick but for little girls instead of puppies
You mean we need one for both